…real old school. Like, George Washington.
WHEN GEORGE Washington announced his intent to depart the presidency, he left the American people with a stern warning regarding political parties: ”They are likely in the course of time and things to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people, and to usurp for themselves the reins of government.”
If only he could see things today.
Wow, that is some serious kickin’ out of the knowledge, folks. Christy is so like not some rich guy who didn’t feel like going up against someone even richer in a primary — for a party for rich people, natch.
Seriously, can anyone make heads or tails of what he’s talking about with fiscal stuff here?
Under my proposal, Proposition One, property values would remain constant from the time of purchase until the property is sold. Thus, homeowners and businesses will have certainty as to their future tax bills.
To compensate for the revenue limitations that may result, I pledge to set aside 40 percent of state tax revenues for local aid, a plan first proposed by the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation. Today, less than 30 percent of tax receipts go to support localities. Dedicating this much money is an extraordinary commitment, but that’s what’s needed for our local towns.
Let’s take out our red pens and mark “I” for incomplete: please show your work, Mr. Mihos. I don’t expect all the candidates to be math experts, but again, I don’t think it’s too much to ask them to display some arithmetic skills. Sounds like Mr. Mihos is telling us that 2-2=4. Prove me wrong, Christy.
Mr. Mihos does not know how Proposition Two and a Half works. The levy limit for each city and town goes up by 2.5% plus new growth plus overrides (if any) every year. This is true even if assessed values stay the same or go down! Unless a city or town is at its maxium levy limit (and most are way below) the only function property assessment serves is to equitably distribute the total allowed tax levy among property owners. Proposition 1, so called, will redistribute the burden of taxes to folks who are buying homes, while holding residents who stay put harmless. Once the realtors figure this out, they will run Mihos out of town on a rail.
Aw shucks. Why let the facts get in the way of good political spin.
This op-ed was a total joke. He’s running as an independent because George freakin’ Washington told him to? PUH-LEEEEZ. Before his consultants got to him, he was singing a different tune:
Apparently, Mihos’s new consultants (the ones he hired after the last batch quit) concluded that this might not be the most stirring line at campaign rallies, and so they’ve come up with the George Washington line instead.
Oh, and Prop. 1? Lame. I wrote a bit about it in this post, and there’s good stuff in the comments too.