The Telegram & Gazette reports: “Worcester Mayor Timothy P. Murray is lagging significantly behind Andrea Silbert of Harwich in fundraising in the race for the Democratic lieutenant governor nomination.
“While Mr. Murray has narrowed the gap during the last few months, he trailed Ms. Silbert, co-founder of the nonprofit Center for Women and Enterprise, by $124,408 as of March 15, according to state campaign finance records.
“Ms. Silbert had $382,700 in her campaign account while Mr. Murray had $258,292.”
Please share widely!
politicalfeminista says
Seems to me that your missing a part of the equation. I just saw on Lefty Blogs a post on the Students for Murray Blog. The student writing the post made the point that since Murray entered the race in December he has outraised Silbert by almost $70,000. It makes perfect sense that Silbert has more money in the bank FOR NOW, because she was in the race fundraising for a full year (As were Golberg & Kelley) before Murray even announced that he was running.
I think that we should be looking at the fact that Murray has already raised more than 2 of the candidates after only being in the race for about 3 1/2 mos.
Read the Students for Murray Blog – the kid does a pretty decent job of breaking down the numbers.
katef says
I think the important thing here is to be honest and not try to spin numbers unfairly in a particular canidadate’s favor. Silbert had been in the race for a year before Tim Murray, who had been focusing on running and winning a contested election for Mayor of Worcester, was able to turn his attentions to the campaign for Lt. Governor. Since Murray got into the race in December he has out raised both Silbert and Goldberg.
“When Mr. Murray entered the race in early December, he had $109,000 in his City Council campaign war chest. Since Dec. 1, he has raised $287,403 while Ms. Silbert took in $218,754 and Ms. Goldberg collected $130,701.”
That is a quote taken directly from the article which the author of the original post was basing his claim. If the author had chosen to be honest about the entirety of the article he would have commented on the fact that Murray is making incredible progress. In the past 3 1/2 months he has raised 70,000 more than Silbert and I look forward to everyone’s reaction when all three LG candidates end of March reports come out.
frankskeffington says
Sorry to be so negative KateF, but your post smacks of the very spin you condem. This notion that Murray only got into the race in December has been refuted in this posting already. It’s been widely reported that Murray was talking to Reilly last August to get his assurances that Reilly would not be picking a LG candidate and Murray’s been running ever since. By your criteria, as someone has already pointed out, Silbert has not made an offical announcement yet, like Murray did in December. So should it be spun that Silbert is the uber fundraiser who has raised nearly $600,000 and she’s not even a candidate? No that would be wrong. But by your spin for Murray it would be legimate.
Also, yes Murray had a warm body running against him last November, but only spin would suggest he had a “contested election” like your asserted.
The simple fact is the both Silbert and Murray can [raise money] and we all assume that Deb will spend hers. So why are you spinning how well Murray is doing against Silbert in fundraising. As the story also noted, I can take the same set of facts and contend that Silbert is doing a much better job at keeping her cash-on-hand in reserve for the pivotable media battle in September. Yes, you can retort that Murray is spending his money “building a field organization” and I’d retort that must of his cash burn is going to fundraising consultants and PR consultants. But I’d rather not have that exchange.
After all you’re the one calling for the truth around here.
leftisright says
This post is the icing on the cake. At times I think you knew what you were talking about but it is clear you don’t in this case and instead of trying to seek the truth you throw out this garbage. If you knew anything at all about Murray and his decision to run or not you would not be running your mouth, but you don’t. It doesnt take a genius to read the papers and find out Mayor Murray and his wife adopted a child recently Even you can probably find out what month they became a family, and if you have any compassion at all you can figure a timeline of the whole process. do you think just maybe this might have had something to do with his decision and the timing of entering this race. Do you think someone can be thinking of or exp[loring possibilities without actually running. Were you there with the conversations with Reilly? BTW it was last June not last August and the reassurances were based on Tim’s decision to run….. or not
frankskeffington says
…but everybody knew Murray was running for LG way way before December. Are you suggesting he was just asking Reilly if he was going to pick and LG becuase he was curious? And all the talk last fall was idle chatter. You folks just won’t let the facts get in the way. Murray’s been running for LG a lot longer than last December. Period. Spin it all you want–but don’t suggest your spin ain’t spin.
leftisright says
for your comment “Are you suggesting he was just asking Reilly if he was going to pick and LG becuase he was curious?”
I am unaware of any such conversation.
Just answer the question where you there? Where was it and who else was present?
You sir appear to be the one who wont let facts get in the way and fabricate them.
frankskeffington says
You will find this at the end of this story and there were many other stories that reported the same fact.
leftisright says
“I indicated I had no plans to run with anyone at that point, which I didn’t,” he said. “That was a long time ago.”
That is the source that Murray has been in this race a long time? OK,now I believe you.
framinghamdem says
Just to make sure Frank you can get the facts you post correct. Mayor Murray was running against four others this past fall not just one.
frankskeffington says
Sorry to get nastly (again) here but someone demanded “truth” instead of spin…and then went on to claim Murray had a contested race. My point was Murray was not in any kind of contested race–that he coasted to an easy victory. So I should have said “warm bodies” instead of “warm body”. An you Framinghamdem decided to split the hair and started the spin all over again.
OK, Murray was in a 5 person race for reelection. Murray garnered 52.5% with his nearest competitor getting 28% of the votes. When someone wins more than 50% of a 5 person race, beating the nearest competitor by 25 points, its called a cake walk, not a contested race.
So there are the facts Framinghamdem…I just wanted to make sure you got them.
You folks really think you’re scoring points here? I’m gonna stop wasting my time on this thread.
leftisright says
do stop wasting your time, and ours. The bottom line and truth without any spin is Tim Murray wanted to be a DAD first and foremost, if you cannot understand that you have my sympathy.
worcesterdem says
in money but he just got in this race in December while Silbert has been in for a while longer. What is important and I think the T&G notes is that since Murray got in the race he has outraised Silbert by roughly $70,000.
I am not sure it is even time well spent analyzing Goldberg’s fundraising because it seems more and more apparent to me that she is going to write herself a big fat check. The key indicator of this to me is that she’s only raised $130,000 since December.
hoss says
Murray is the frontrunner, despite what everyone here says. Tom Reilly is the frontrunner, despite what many here would like him to be. Bill Galvin is the frontrunner. He should not be trying to be the comeback kid here.
Why did Murray plant an article like this in the paper? I just don’t get it? Project from a position of leadership, dude! Be bold, say you’re out front, don’t play this “I’m coming from behind” crap. You’re the one to beat in this race, and everyone knows it. You’ve got the endorsements, the money is beginning to roll in – stake your ground, buddy!
Let’s also not buy the line that he “just got into the race.” I know, I know, he only declared his intention to run in December, but that’s like saying Romney’s not in the presidential race yet. Murray knew he was running for months, way back in early to mid 2005. He raised $ for his reelection, spent a decent chunk of change shoring up his Worcester support in that election, and then transitioned immediately to Lt. Gov. Period. If Tim “just got into the race”, then Andrea Silbert should claim that she’s not even in it yet since she has not (to my knowledge) had her “official announcement” yet. (Please correct me if I’m wrong.)
By playing this “look at me I’m behind” game, you’re only giving credence to the fact that Silbert is the story of this race so far: she’s gone from zippo to top tier in a year, she’s got her 15%, she’s got her $$ — it’s nothing short of impressive. Also impressive is Goldberg’s spending (ouch) and Kelley’s recent surge (hmmm…).
This thing is only just heating up. I would expect more shakeups in this race as political bigwigs begin to pick sides (more than just legislators, I mean. Don’t be surprised if other congressmen, mayors, or others jump in on someone’s side.)
framinghamdem says
While I have no way of knowing for sure, but I dont think this would be an article the Murray campaign would be planting in a paper. Maybe after seeing how the last few weeks of the month go would they push for an article about money, because it looks like Murray is going to out raise everyone be a large amount. Just a thought.
politicalfeminista says
I may be relatively new to politics, but that definitely did not seem like a planted article to me. And it definitely was not a puff piece.
Murray has alot of support for a reason, and yes I am proud to say that he is the frontrunner mainly because of his experience, which state/local officials, delegates and other supportors recognize through their endorsements. Murray has been looking at the whole picture in terms of issues and how his campaign has been run sofar. I think it is fair to say that Silbert is the frontrunner in fundraising thus far, and that Murray while concentrating on fundraising has also built a pretty good grassroots campaign.
fieldguy says
I can tell you that this story reeks of a plant by the Murray folks:
1 – It’s in the hometown newspaper
2 – Murray’s press person is a hired gun (ask Christy Mihos) who knows how to manipulate this type of story.
3 – It’s just before the end of the month reporting.
4 – he can afford to focus on fundraising, he comes with a professionally-built organization he’s been working on since 2002 specfically for running statewide.
5 – wait for the early April “Tim’s caught up” story.
Tim is a smart, professional politician. This story has all the marks of a pro.
By even planting this story, Tim is acknowledging that Andrea Silbert is his real competition right now, which is great. She may end up having less money as the insiders jump on the Tim bandwagon, but voters will have a true choice: Professional politician Tim or proven statewide public servant Andrea.
hoss says
I was intrigued by FG’s Mihos mention in his post.
I’ve actually started my own blog within the last 24 hours (called MassChange), and wrote more on my findings on this subject.
Check out the post here.
melbourne says
apparently, hoss only posts comments he approves on his site, as opposed to this DEMOCRATIC site. WWSS. What Would Stalin Say?
hoss says
I was pissed when I read your comment. But then I went back and read some of your others and realized that you’re just as nutso as I am, so I feel I have a kindred spirit!
If your comment meant that MassChange doesn’t allow comments, then I’ll apologize and admit that I’m at the cieling of my technical capabilities over there and don’t know how to turn them on. But I thought I did turn them on and allow anyone to comment.
politicalfeminista says
Pure speculation and assumption if you ask me, but enough about that since we know that Silbert has planeted people from her campaign to say that on the blog. . .
Secondly, I don’t know about you but this race to me isn’t about a “professional politician” and a “public servant.” I am pretty sure running for public office qualifies you to be a public servant, that is if that matters so much to you.
And give up on continuously talking about what an insider Murray is, because come on – he grew up in Worcester, went to law school in Springfield and at a young age became Mayor of the city he grew up in. Of course people know of his accomplishments in helping his hometown, and he needed to work with Worcester state & local officials and Congressman McGovern to get alot of this accomplished. Also, everyone seems to forget that Silbert is Ms. Fundraising Guru and worked as a consultant on Kerry’s campaign and she has probably helped other candidates as well – so lets not assume that she doesn’t have political connections in Boston and on the Cape.
afertig says
with insider/outsider, “professional politician”/”outside experience” status? I guarentee if you’re running for public office at the LG or Gov level you have some political connections to speak of. If you didn’t you’d be toast. Just because it’s non-governmental doesn’t mean it’s any different.
steven-leibowitz says
All the campaigns are all over the blogs, no news here 🙂
leftisright says
between the writer (Shaun Sutner) and Murray. It would be very surprising if this were planted. The Worcester paper is not known for its in depth inverstigation. Looking up info on OPCPF is about the extent of it. Sutner plays this game during every election cycle, this one is no different, for the record Hoss does a much better job.
jordhc23 says
The idea that this story was planted is ridiculous. I think the Murray campaign is probably not concerned with playing games and circuitous money debates. As you note that as “the insiders jump on the Tim bandwagon” it is clear that they aren’t jumping on the bandwagon because Tim’s got so much more money this month. It is due to the fact that these insiders see something worth writing about in his undeniable experience and qualifications, as well as his vision for a democratic future in Massachusetts.
Don’t make excuses about people jumping on Tim’s bandwagon because of money issues, they’re jumping on because they know he’s a stronger candidate than Andrea. This true choice you speak of that voters must make will be whether or not to vote for undeniable experience, as well as fixing the problems that have afflicted our cities and towns.
wallflower says
let’s draw attention to my opponents strong suite plan!!!!!
No I’m kidding, but seriously Silbert is a professional fundraiser and it is showing. I think people are looking way to far into this article. Murray is not raising money as well as a professional. BIG DEAL, he still has more substance than her and will still do fine regardless.
rightmiddleleft says
in Middlesex in the last election .
worcesterdem says
We should be alarmed because Christy Mihos and Scott Ferson are friends and this relationship makes Ferson a Republican? The fact that Ferson has worked for other many Democrats such as Congressman Lynch and I believe Sen. Kennedy don’t count for anything.
Believe it or not I have some Republican friends…I hope that doesn’t get me banned from this blog. So many on this board see it as a battle between good an evil instead of a debate on ideas and that’s why so many are turned off from politics. So Scott Ferson is friends with Mihos…believe it or not people there are good people in the Republican party.
smart-sexy-&-liberal says
Hoss, Do you honestly think after the Democratic party has been failing in the area of “communication” that it would be smart to hire a known Democratic media consultant? Think to our party messaging nationally and even in the state of Mass. It sucks!
Also, just because a person is friends with someone doesn’t mean they share those beliefs. I have plenty of republican/conservative friends and I am as liberal as they come.
Common sense man! Your attacks are just not credible, and are obviously attempts by the Silbert campaign to make some noise.