Are you at all surprised? Recently we learned that Our Guv is concerned about the $295-per-employee assessment in the House/Senate compromise. Said he might veto the bill.
This is a broken record: We taxpayers are paying $213 million for the Free Care Pool, used by the workers for employers who don’t offer health coverage. That’s apparently OK with Mitt. But $295 a year is probably not. Not like it matters, since if the lege decides this is the deal, then it’s the deal: veto-proof.
So Mitt can get “credit” for opposing a “tax increase” to take with him on the road. Fascinating … the Presidential candidate with no record at all. Will Republican primary voters realize that this fellow is all hole and no doughnut? Will they care?
And isn’t it weird to basically have no governor at all? This is like Britain, except with two Prime Ministers. Tea, anyone?
hey, republicans nominated gov. bush. and got him elected. and romney looks like fdr compared to the five year blank page that was bush’s time in austin.
and if we could live off of one senator for three years while john and theresa were trying to learn how to drink coffee with regular joes, we can probably manage it while romney takes his turn on the flannel shirt circuit.