Kate Donoghue says this in her latest DDemsDispatch email update:
I was notified this AM that the location of the Kennedy Rally had changed since the previous e-mail I sent out. It will be at Florian Hall, 55 Hallett Street, Dorchester at 10 AM on March 11.
Please note this is a separate rally from the Deval Patrick Rally at Faneuil Hall, also on March 11, but at noon. This is a ticketed event and you can arrange for tickets by calling 617-367-2006. Doors open at 11 AM.
Saturday should be a great day for Democrats in Boston!
Mariposa will be audioblogging the Patrick rally; Lynne, Andy, and sco will also be there.
Anyone going to the Kennedy event? Unfortunately, I don’t think any of David, Bob or I can make either event. Non-blog life intervenes…
around in this site. Why is it a great day for democrats if Tom Reilly who is leading in the polls is not mentioned. I think we should call this the Blue Mass Patrick site. I now see a picture of Patrick and Clinton on the home page and see how really bias this site has evolved. Show me where I am wrong in my analysis.
I might have gone to his political rally today. Oh wait, he isn’t having one. Well, shame on BMG for not covering Reilly’s non-rally today.
Tom Reilly hasn’t been generating much political news, except for his week of shame where he couldn’t seem to vet a running mate nor round up delegates very well.
I suspect that our friends at BMG will write about Tom when Tom starts making more appearances, more positions, more of anything except quietly raising money.
Just a guess though.
Do we spend more time talking about Patrick? Yup. Patrick talks about issues. I have linked to Reilly’s press releases when he talks about substantive issues.
But let’s face it: This is a blog. We are commentators, not journalists per se. The best we can be is “fair and biased”: to have opinions, and be willing to change our minds when we have new information.
I have been publicly wishing for months that Tom Reilly would tell us what kind of governor he would be. I am not the only one. When he does so, he has made and will be covered on the site. If he has a rally at Faneuil Hall or some such major venue, I will probably mention it.
RML, you are partly right: I have an obvious “lean” in this race, but I have not made up my mind: I haven’t written a check, put on a bumper sticker, or volunteered for any candidate. When I’ve made up my mind, I surely will. I want Tom Reilly to make a case for my vote. That’s all.
The picture of Patrick and Clinton is an ad. Someone pays to have that appear on our site – it’s not our content. If Tom Reilly wants to buy an ad, we’ll gladly run it.
That one, fair trade coffee, and large-print clocks at the moment.
The Deval Patrick ad is actually for CapeCodToday.com. I’ve seen their ads here for a while, but only recently have they put a picture of Deval Patrick in there.
I have to admit, the downloadable murder mystery games are peaking my interest at the moment…
I’m sick of whiners telling us what we should and should not cover as bloggers. Look. This is a community blog. Go out and cover Reilly yourself if you’re so keen. Then post it. If it’s a good post it’ll make the Recommended list. If it’s a great, informative, non-propaganda post it’ll be promoted by this blogs front pagers, who are more than willing to promote information about all the candidates.
Some of us picked a horse in this race, for really good reasons, sorry if we’re not interested in covering every little event that the opposition goes to (oh, wait, he doesn’t go to many).
Do it yourself. That’s the whole POINT of blogs.
starting gate because he has no record of public service or name recognition. Otherwise he would be following Reilly’s strategy. In any event, Reilly has at least 20 years of actual public service to talk about. He really has accomplished so much for the Commonwealth. that many of us have forgotten about.
But if you want the new issues and programs to discuss , I am pleased to report that he he has also started to roll out his programs and kicked it off with an Education initiative. Stay tuned as others will follow and I look forward to lively debate at BMG.
On a key substantive issue, let’s also mention that he has pledged to cut the income tax to 5%, following in the footsteps of that great public servant Mitt Romney.
“If you give people a choice between a Republican and a Republican they’ll vote for the Republican every time.”
p> — Harry Truman
“Reilly has at least 20 years of actual public service to talk about.” Right-o. And they’re generally thought to be good public service, by and large.
But, none of those were as governor. For instance, I’ve previously pointed to this page detailing Reilly’s actions regarding health care. But I’m interested in what legislation he’d propose and support as governor; and indeed, I hope it’s fodder for lively debate here.
case was a great indication of Reilly’s public service. and NOW he has a planb for public education
I guess being Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights in the Clinton Administration doesn’t count …
BTW — Great, inspiring speech today. THAT’s what a campaign should be about — that and a lot of grunt work ..
Deval’s speech today was fantastic. The cutoff to get inside was like 20 in front of me, and it was chilly out, but it’s a good problem for the campaign I’d guess. Deval speaks straight. He’s the kind of man who you can look in the eye and be comfortable with. I recommend that anyone who was unable to make it check out the audio or video when they post it to his site.
As for Reilly, and his perceived lack of coverage…What has he been doing to deserve any? The last time the man did anything newsworthy, it was his pre-caucus week from hell. He’s been asked by Deval to debate and create dialogue and he has been so far unwilling to do so, even though this is something he has criticized others for in the past.
I was around that same point when the line was cut off. I was a little sad to not get in, but I guess it’s better to have too many people than an empty room.
Sorry about that! A few âDeis For Deval people were among the last to get in…
I feel for those that couldn’t get into Fanueil Hall yesterday for the Dval Patrick rally. It really was a great “call to action”.
Truth is only Patrick can pack a house right now. Reilly couldn’t even fill phone booth. So he attended Kennedy’s speech yesterday at Florian Hall, which was moved to the union hall to get a very skinny audience. I guess Kennedy can’t fill a room these days either.
“The tale of the two rallies” is, that Kennedy will be favoring one of the Democratic candidate this summer, Reilly.
Here is a link to the speech text, for those who missed it.
It was great to see old friends and new friends. Deval really hit that speech right outta the park.
I have <a href="
http://www.flickr.com/photos/beyond495/sets/72057594080046552/“>a few photos up, if anyone would like to see ’em.
I am so pissed at Blogger right now for eating my audioblogs, I can’t even tell you. 🙁
Can a BMGer take it out, please.
I really am having a bad technology day. sigh
Okay, let’s try this again:
we can’t edit comments – we can only delete them. A software quirk.
Believe it or not, not even we can edit comments yet. We can delete them, but not edit.
To paraphrase Drudge, the technology is “Developing…”
Kate Donaghue of the DDemDispatch writing.
In the Democratic Dispatch, I include all appropriate events that people send to me. In the regular weekly Democratic Dispatch I not only included Tom Reilly’s scheduled visit to 1EM in the calendar, but I also highlighted it in my introduction because I feel that it is important for people to hear the Attorney General.
In the special issue noting the change of location, I wanted to be sure that there was no confusion between the two events, both publicized as rallies in Boston.
As David requested, I’ll note that I have endorsed Deval Patrick for governor, and also note that I have known Tom Reilly since he ran for Attorney General in 1998 and I will enthusiastically support whoever is the Democratic Party nominee.
I’ll take this as an opportunity to encourage people to send events for publication in the Democratic Dispatch. Send an e-mail to DDemDispatch-owner@yahoogrups.com – in the subject line, please include the words “for the Dispatch.” In contested Democratic primaries, I only publicize events at which the candidate is present.
Just in case there is anyone who would like to subscribe, send an e-mail to ddemdispatch-subscribe@yahoogroups.com – just a blank e-mail is fine.