Admittedly I set a low expectation bar for him, I half expected him to not show up for the event. Instead, I saw an average to above average campaign performance for someone running for a statewide office. Did he have the same level of passion and charisma as Deval Patrickâno, but was he this awful boring speaker (like John Kerry at many events Iâve suffered through) that people make him out to beânot even close.
He started off with his is rags to riches story, a tough teen from Springfield who had people give him a chance to work his way up; talked about how as DA he visited a working-class high school every morning and how he established early intervention programs designed to prevent crime and give kids the same chance he got; he pointed out that heâs been on the front line in the health care crisisâmaking sure that Harvard Community Health never denied benefits when they went into bankruptcy; and gave the Democratic talking points about how lousy the Republicans have been for the state. He was personable, funny and well versed on the issuesâfocusing on the need for more educational resources to drive our competitive advantagesâ¦blah, blah, blah.
He knew we were part of that âliberal activistâ crowd that wonât be supporting him in the primary, but I think he made some of the liberals feel as if they could work to get him elected if Deval loses the nomination.
In conclusion, I still question whether Reilly has what it takes to win the corner office, but I can now understand how he at least got to where he is as a politician. And if he has more days like that, he very well could be Governor.
… about Reilly at the convention in Lowell:
Eight months later, that hasn’t really developed. But Frank is right, he’s not a zero as a politician. But — he is clearly better suited as a no-nonsense AG type than as a glad-handing Governor candidate.
I’m not very active when it comes to going to watch political speeches — but I’d like to watch one from home — anyone have a reilly speech where he looks above average? Thanks.
I’ve been hearing Reilly give some version of that speech for the past year now, and he does it pretty well. When he’s doing his rehearsed schpiel, he comes off well, I think.
It’s when he strays from those remarks — at press conferences, interviews, etc — that he turns into they guy who uses a lot of words but isn’t saying anything. I’ve transcribed a number of his appearences on WGBH and NECN, and it is just torture.
Hmmmm…who does that sound like? Sounds like George W. Bush to me.
Of course, Bush did manage to win the 2004 election despite being inarticulate and incoherent much of the time when he’s off script.
Can a candidate for Governor of Massachusetts stay “in the bubble” enough for voters not to learn that he or she is an awkward speaker with not a lot to say?
and earlier Reilly was on. He really only made fun of himself, it was almost hard to watch!
Stephen Lynch stood up at the end and said, (paraphrasing) “Tom, when we said for you to ‘go for the jugular’ we didn’t mean your own!”
If anyone is interested, Deval Patrick is there and hasn’t been on yet. Or, actually, I should say I haven’t seen him yet, but I’m a few minutes behind on the Tivo.