While I was banned long ago for exercising my free speech, I still occasionally hold my nose and go over to Redstate to try and understand the darkside.
If you haven’t heard, Romney scored an impressive 2nd place in a meaningless Presidnetal straw poll in Tennessee yesterday. Even more surprising is the postive spin he is getting from the right wing bloggers over at Redstate.
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it matters, but McCain sure looks dumb for having tried to play the old “win one for the Gipper” card, telling conference goers to write-in the President instead of voting for him (or others). Let’s just say that McCain gets the 10 or 11% that went to Bush’s write ins, well than he’s at about 15% in a conference held in the homestate of the current Senate Majority leader.
As for Mitt, this is a big win for him in the race to be the eventual Republican VP nominee. If anyone is running harder for #2, I don’t know who it is. And the talk over at Red State would seem to support the theory that he is actually doing well on this journey.
Honestly though, who cares? Let them nominate who they will, I’m just waiting to cast me ballot for “Edwards/Warner 2008”
from large campaign donors. The press will pay more attention and that is what is key in the presidential campaign to attract donors.
Romney has run this state into the ground…and somehow he is coming out on top for it!!! This is NOT good. Can someone please explain how this works because I do not understand it at all.
loves Romney’s record in Massachusetts despite what the Massachusetts voters might think. National politics and local politics are two different worlds. Everything Romney says or does for now on is directed towards the national media. he could care less about Massachusetts.