I couldn’t help noticing a certain similarity between our newest entrant into the Lieutenant Governor’s race and a character in one of my favorite TV shows, Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
The figure on the left is one of “The Gentlemen,” from an Emmy-nominated episode called “Hush.” The figure on the right is Reed Hillman, in a photo taken at today’s press conference announcing that he’s Kerry Healey’s running mate.
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… other than I love Buffy! đŸ™‚ Wonder Woman is just not going to fill up my Wheedon quota, but it will be a start.
is Wheedon doing Wonder Woman? Do tell!
Complete with teaser poster.
Dear Joss, Hillman does look like one of The Gentlemen. Weird.
I love me some Buffy! It’s a kick-ass show and it kept my brother (sound editor) employed for seven years.
I’m looking forward to Wonder Woman, but I just can’t picture diminutive SMG (who was rumored to be lobbying for the part) as an amazon super heroine. I personally think Salma Hayek would be a better choice, but hey Joss didn’t ask me. đŸ™‚
WHEDONesque is a daily haunt of mine.
I love me some BtVS. Nice catch there, David.
Joss Whedon is on record as saying he thinks Morena Baccarin (Inara from Firefly and Serenity) would make an outstanding Wonder Woman. I don’t know if the studio would buy it, though.
I’d say he looks more like Judge Doom from “Who Framed Roger Rabbit?”