From the St. Patrickâs Day luncheon in Lawrence (These Guy’s must reek of Corned Beef and Cabbage by now!)
Deval Patrick’s Humor:
AG Reilly’s St.Pats Humor:
Healey’s Humor:
Comments on which one “Has The House”?
Please share widely!
These are well worth watching. I’m sure there will be some difference of opinion expressed here on BMG, but Patrick and Healey both had moments of genuine humor. As a Republican, Healey probably had the least sympathy from the crowd, but she got some laughs anyway. Reilly, sadly, once again proves he’s not so good at this politician thing. Whoever gave him the walking around Massachusetts joke should be fired.
Reflecting on the various combinations of these people who may be debating one-on-one later this year, I find it increasingly hard to buy the argument that Reilly is the “more electable” Democrat. Being more “moderate” won’t mean squat if he doesn’t come across better than this. And as more people start to pay more attention to the candidates, Reilly better elevate his game.
Reilly has done it, and has a real record of accomplishments in government elective office. He certainly is not slick . But If you like the Kerry type, empty suit, slick then go for Patrick, he is your man.
The three most successful statewide Dems at the ballot box in the last few decades in Massachusetts are named Kennedy, Kerry, and Dukakis. A pretty progressive trio, wouldn’t you say?
And Kerry surely has “a real record of accomplishment in government elective office,” so what’s your point?
Last week you posted that liberals only like Patrick because he’s black. Now it’s because he’s (you say) “slick.” This is a reality-based site, and you seem to have a hard time dealing with the reality of a candidate who is progressive and skillful and charismatic.
Obviously, you have no basis for claiming that Patrick is an “empty suit,” since Patrick has no past record of holding public office, and his accomplishments in the private sector have been pretty impressive. And to suggest that someone who has never held public office before shouldn’t be qualified to seek public office is silly.
As for Reilly, no one is doubting his honorable service in the Middlesex DA and AG’s offices – mistakes were made, but overall his record is fine. But – as I have been saying for over a year now – it’s not so easy to transfer the skills and accomplishments of what is essentially a litigation job into being Governor. Frankly, in rereading that post, which I wrote only a couple of weeks into the existence of Blue Mass. Group, and well before Romney was out or Reilly was in or anyone had heard of Deval Patrick, I’m struck by the extent to which the questions I raised in it haven’t, to my mind, been answered yet.
I don’t know if anyone who paid attention to the 2004 presidential race would call John Kerry “slick.”