So apparently we’re going ahead with this “reform.” Below is what State House News has up on it now. It says “Story Developing” which means there’ll be more later.
With nearly all the controversial matters agreed upon, lawmakers are prepping to debate legislation on the House and Senate floors next week that will charge an assessment to nearly all employers in Massachusetts, increase transparency within the health care industry, and require all residents purchase an affordable insurance product. During remarks to the League of Women Voters today, House Speaker Salvatore DiMasi and Senate President Robert Travaglini said the plan to increase access to affordable health insurance is intended to achieve universal health care, but when that goal is accomplished is not entirely clear. “I can say that just about every single major issue has been resolved,” DiMasi told reporters. “Itâs a matter of details and drafting and thatâs very important, because specific drafting, and the devil is in the details, all of those slogans are true when it comes down to drafting legislation to make sure that we want every section to work the way we want it to.” DiMasi told reporters after his remarks that the compromise plan will cover between 90 and 95 percent of those residents presently without insurance within the next three years; Travaglini said the compromise plan will bring insurance to 200,000 residents without it. Both leaders said the plan that is now being drafted as legislation includes a $62-per-worker annual assessment for employers who presently provide insurance, and a $295-per-employee charge to companies with more than 10 employees who do not. âDo I feel good about it?â Travaglini said to the group regarding the health care plan. âNot everyone is going to be jumping up and down clapping their hands when they see the final product.â Travaglini and DiMasi said they hope Gov. Mitt Romney will sign the legislation, but were unsure if he will support the proposed assessment.
State House News has removed this little story from their page.
in know time at all. Look at the language, an “affordable insurance product” sounds like it came directly from a flak or through a press release. Don’t they mean “health insurance”? (And I know mine ain’t affordable.)
Probably a first crack, look for a solid rewrite for tomorrow.
The Senate Chair of Ways & Means, Terry Murray of Plymouth, is AWAY on vacation while all this is taking place; why isn’t anybody outraged about this? Very slight coverage yet when Harkins went to Portugal, a Globe photographer followed them. This is outrageous! An important piece of legislation and she is one of the conferees “working” this out. I’m outraged at the media for their inconsistencies; this is disgraceful.