Christy Mihos’s decision to run as an independent was all over the news yesterday, as anonymous sources gleefully leaked the story to anyone who would listen in advance of today’s official announcement.
But the Herald’s report that Mihos advisors are deserting his campaign in droves tells us a lot about what a Mihos campaign is likely to look like – and how long it is likely to last. From the Herald article:
Christy Mihos enters the governorâs race as an independent today on the heels of a mutiny within his campaign team. Five members of Mihosâ campaign team quit this week – saying Mihos was impossible to manage – and are now throwing their support behind Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey and encouraging others to do the same.
Just weeks after campaign manager Holly Robichaud left Mihos’ campaign, deputy campaign manager Ron Vining and four others quit Tuesday, calling Mihos an “unmanageable candidate.”
Coming on the heels of Mihos’s bizarre off-color jokes at the Mass. Biotech forum yesterday, I continue to think that it’s only a matter of time before Mihos’s loose-cannon personality fatally undermines any serious chance he has of becoming Governor. From today’s Globe article:
After giving his wife, Andrea, a peck on the check, he strode to the microphone and promised to be brief by saying, “My wife says I’m awful fast, so I’ll try to stick to that.” The joke prompted groans from many of the 400 people in attendance.
Moments later, Mihos noted that he had been married for 31 years; he joked that he married his wife when she was 5 years old. “That will get me points tonight, too,” he said to awkward silence.
After the event, Mihos was asked by reporters about his wife having told him in the past that she didn’t want him to run for public office. “She made a deal,” Mihos said. “She said, ‘You can do whatever you want as long as I can have a new wardrobe.’ It’s going to cost me more to fund her wardrobe than it is to fund my campaign, I think.”
You know what? Most voters don’t want to hear jokes about how quickly a candidate ejaculates while having relations with his wife. Nor are they interested in a candidate who thinks it’s funny to say that he married his wife when she was 5 years old – that’s a little close to a topic that’s still pretty raw around here.
I said long ago that Christy Mihos was a “loose cannon” who wasn’t “really ready for prime time.” I think that’s becoming painfully obvious, and it will become ever moreso until his campaign inevitably becomes little more than a footnote. Mihos’s money can buy a lot of lipstick, but … well, you know.
Definition of a loose cannon?
2006 – Christy Mihos’first remarks as a Independent candidate for Governor of the Commonwealth
We can do better
I’ve said it before. Mihos is a disconnected,self important, sperm lottery winner, naive, dillusional, pretty-boy’frat boy, pornographic retailer (i just think that is funny) dink.
I can’t believe he claimed in the Herald that he was never handed a thing. He should not be allowed to get away with that.
But anyhoo, he will not drop out of race but will garner less then 5% of the november vote. Probably less then 3%.
Enough to kill Heally. No!
But I will enjoy Mihos letting the entire stae see what a real buffon he is. Pass me a beer.
“sperm lottery winner” ? You mean like Ted Kennedy?
… only Kennedy knows he’s a lucky son-of-a-bitch and is actually liked by those he works with in the Senate.
But Christy really thinks he is smarter then most and earned everything he has.
God he bugs me.
and when talking about lucky sperm – don’t forget Ernie Boch II
(Have I told you all how much I love this blog?)
Ernie contact me at
He really needs to have someone write his speeches…
In any event… I thought it was HILARIOUS! It wasn’t actually a funny joke, but the fact that he said it is definate comedy. His campaign is going to go about as far as I can toss a Mastif. It wouldn’t have gone far anyway, but I was hoping he’d steal votes from Healey.
Why couldn’t I have been a trust fund baby? I would have been such a great candidate with millions of dollars in my bank account… and I’d actually care about the people as opposed to big business like Romney and Trav.
Now Ryan, if you were a trust fund baby you wouldn’t be you.
If he gets on TV enough shouting about how he’ll cut your property taxes because he’s not beholden to anybody, he’ll do well enough to break double digits no matter how many lame jokes he tells.
Just so long as he doesn’t yell at Natalie Jacobsen.
And if he can find a campaign manager who can put some type of reigns on him, he could be dangerous. Admittedly, I haven’t read too much about this just yet, but do worry about the “I” next to his name. There are likely a good number of folks who are reluctant to pull the lever for a Democratic Governor simply because of our legislative majority. I’d also be willing to bet that there is a similar block of Republicans who are disillusioned with the GOP and looking for something other than a “tax and spend liberal”.
…Mihos purges his staff of people who know what they’re doing, brings on a bunch of yes-men and learns to keep his mouth shut at events (or at least his hot air is not reported in the press) and then he unleashes a 5 million dollar TV campaign that garners him double digit votes. We can hope, but thyis man is a walking time bomb.
Off topic a bit, no doubt Mihos will draw some votes from the Democratic nominee–whether “conserative” Reilly Dems or “reform” Patrick voters. But for every confused vote we lose to Mihos, Healey and the Reps will be losing 2 to 3 votes. So far I’ve found no difference between Mihos and Healey’s postions.
The Democratic candidate lost one out of every four votes cast by registered Democrats in 1998. The numbers in 2002 were similar, if not worse (I haven’t seen the overall breakdown, but O’Brien actually lost some Democratic age groups).
That Democrats will vote for someone else is not news. What is news is that maybe they’ll vote for an independent instead — and maybe some Republicans and conservative-leaning Independents will too.