If you’re in the vicinity of Agawam this evening, check out this event: all three Democratic candidates for Governor will be at a forum at the Agawam Middle School at which they’ll make opening and closing statements and will answer questions from attendees. Doors open at 6:30 pm. An excellent opportunity to see the candidates up close and personal.
UPDATE: Kristen, of the Fray, has a brief post-debate post here, in which she includes a link to video of an interview she had with Deval Patrick afterwards. She also says that audio of the entire debate will be posted on MassLive’s homepage later tonight.
Please share widely!
afertig says
ryepower12 says
Someone needs to tape it and post it online. This is essential! lol
aaronusa says
Masslive.com will have audio of it.
nopolitician says
The Springfield Republican (the newspaper) spin on the forum was about casinos.
kristen says
These should work:
Candidates on Western Mass’ needs http://www.masslive.com/news/audio/index.ssf?042706wmass1.html (RealAudio)
On Springfield Control Board
http://www.masslive.com/news/audio/index.ssf?042706wmass2.html (RealAudio)
Complete Audio
http://www.masslive.com/news/audio/index.ssf?042706complete.html (RealAudio)
leftisright says
I was there collecting sigs for Tim Murray, two folks showed up to collect sigs for Sam Kelly but they were off to the side. No other LG people there. Outside there were about 50 or 60 people holding DP signs including SEIU, only 10-12 of TR’s people and I believe most were from the firefighters. CG showed up late without many people just in time to start the debate.
I have to admit the DP supporters were the ones who most frequently refuse to sign Murrays papers, not sure why, we are all democrats after all.
All three had great opening remarks. Someone I do not know said to me, ” One of those guys is going to be our next governor” Words to live by my unknown friend when all is said and done one of those guys will be our next gov
cos says
I have to admit the DP supporters were the ones who most frequently refuse to sign Murrays papers, not sure why, we are all democrats after all.
But are they? Patrick certainly has a lot of active Democrats supporting him, but I think they’d sign anyone’s papers. On the other hand, I also think Patrick has the highest proportion of “non-political” supporters – people who don’t normally get involved at this stage, who aren’t committed to any party, and who are generally cynical about or dismissive or suspicious of politics. Those would be the least likely to sign for other candidates, because they’re not entirely sure signing doesn’t mean supporting a candidate (even if you tell them otherwise; of course you’d tell them otherwise, they think), and they don’t know if they support any of these other candidates.
I think it’s these independents who are reluctant to sign, and I think Patrick has far more of them than any other candidate.
leftisright says
I was there collecting sigs for Tim Murray, two folks showed up to collect sigs for Sam Kelly but they were off to the side. No other LG people there. Outside there were about 50 or 60 people holding DP signs including SEIU, only 10-12 of TR’s people and I believe most were from the firefighters. CG showed up late without many people just in time to start the debate.
I have to admit the DP supporters were the ones who most frequently refuse to sign Murrays papers, not sure why, we are all democrats after all.
All three had great opening remarks. Someone I do not know said to me, ” One of those guys is going to be our next governor” Words to live by my unknown friend when all is said and done one of those guys will be our next gov
hoss says
I wonder if the DP lefties are too new to the process to know much about the LG candidates? I recall in ’02 similar feelings at the Convention from the Reich people. Or, does Murray have a “Irish pol” issue with DP supporters? Are they more progressive and default to women? What ramifications, if any, might this indicate at the Convention? I know Tim’s more progressive than a lot of other white, Irish politicians, but does the name “Tim Murray” scare people off? I love this kind of overthinking that I always do about these things…
nopolitician says
Link didn’t pan out. You can find it here:
leftisright says
horace says
Speaking as a “DP leftie too new to the process to know much about the LG candidates” — I didn’t get pulled out of burn-out and back into the process by a Lieutenant Governor candidate, I got pulled back into the process by a candidate I believe in.
Honestly, I was pretty alienated — thought this was one big crooked game that favors the players with the most pieces (and still somewhat suspect it is) — so no, honestly, I haven’t the faintest idea of which LG candidate to toss my support behind.
Frankly, I’d be pretty interested in seeing a summary post about the various Lieutenant Governor candidates, what they stand for, what they’re about, what experience they have, that kind of thing. I don’t even know the names of everyone running. If someone was to post that – that’d be great.
Keep in mind that not everyone getting into the process is entirely familiar with all the players. Bear with us. Treating us like we’re ignorant (even if we are) isn’t going to help us hop aboard the process — and a Democratic win in November, no matter the candidate, can only be helped along if we welcome in newcomers and those unfamiliar with or supsicious of the process.
(Ironically enough: I have seen Tim Murray, and was reasonably impressed by him; as a matter of fact, man, I am actually leaning in that direction. So take it easy, with all this character aspersion. Deval Patrick supporters are not a homogenous mass of reactionary-liberals who hug everything underprivileged and vomit at sight at the sound of an Irish name. We’re actually pretty cool folks, once you get to know us – eager to dialogue, and so forth.)
hoss says
No offense meant in my post about anyone – not sure where you got that.
As for posting info about the LG candidates, as a BMG member since February, I’m sure you know that there have been a slew of posts about the LG race. Just do a search on the site for the names:
Andrea Silbert
Sam Kelley
Deb Goldberg
Tim Murray
I’m sure you’ll find a wealth of information.
horace says
Well, member since February, off-and-on. Consistent, engaged reader since mid-April or so.
Thanks for the list — that alone is fairly helpful. Cheers.