I just read a story, “America’s rags-to-riches dream an illusion” on Yahoo from Reuters. The study they cited says that if you are born poor you will remain poor, if you are born rich you have a good chance of staying rich. No surprise there.
The real question is why? I think the answer is pretty simple. Education. Children from poor communities get for the most part, a poor education. I believe education is the silver bullet for crime, poverty and a whole host of issues. If we as a country are really commited to the American dream, we must provide a good education for all of our citizens.
So how can we guarantee every citizen gets a good education?
One way could be Mathew Millerâs try at it from The Two Percent Solution. In his book he suggests doubling teacher pay in the poorest neighborhoods while giving more power to administrators to deal with non-productive teachers. I think the third component is finding away to get parents more involved with their childrenâs education.