Brian Mooney has a great write-up on Kathy Kelley, head of the Mass. Federation of Teachers and a leader in education improvements.
It’s sad to see her go b/c she embodies everything that’s great about our teachers — dedication, perseverance and passion. Republicans continue to shove more and more tests at our schools, and our teachers plug away.
While King George and Lord Mitt write education laws from behind their fortified walls, insulated from all reality, it’s teachers like Kathy who work day in and day out to educate our nation.
Much like in the Iraq War and the Vietnam War, it’s the people on the front lines we should be listening to, not the pompous lords and nobles who hide behind catch-phrases and sound bites.
this is exactly why we need real leadership from the State House. The GOP can’t handle the responsibility.
This changes my opinion of him. I thought he was at least interested in doing a good job, at the beginning of his term, even if his views on how to do that differ from mine.