There is some as yet unknown factual information about Tom Reilly’s ability to handle a budget – but first if I could ask for the help of you readers who know more than I ever will about this domain called politics… clearly you are a learned bunch.
Ready? OK, a little at a time then. Once I get some of your wisdom I will pass along some of what I have learned…
Does anybody know how much money it costs the taxpayers for one day of a Grand Jury?
Does anybody know the average amount of time Reilly’s office spends to get indictments handed down?
Does anybody know what the success rate is?
Please share widely!
your own comment from a different thread, is a strange idea for a user post.
As for your questions, why not do the research yourself?
You can start with the MA Grand Jury website and the AG website
Maybe they can answer your questions.
I don’t quite understand your unsolicited criticism, not to mention the assumption that I would not have already investigated the obvious. Maybe you were having a bad day? For Pete’s sake, how our money is spent seems to be the very base level of political passion.