So much for LeftyBlogs. We are happy to introduce the brand new BMG Mass o’ Politics Feed (down and to the right): no ads, comments from both wings (progressive and regressive), plus feeds from interesting MSM like the Phoenix and the Globe. Please feel free to use our code on your own site (we’ll keep the feeds updated; click here and we’ll email it to you), or make your own at Google Reader.
Please share widely!
hoss says
I’m kidding – sorta. Traffic over at MassChange is way down since you guys pulled Lefty Blogs, but I also haven’t been either prolific or astute in posting for a while. That said, now that LB is carrying your feed again, and thought to adding it back to your site?
david says
We’ll add it to the new feed, but I don’t see an RSS link on your site.
hoss says
hoss says