As I’ve suggested before with reference to our current President, even a stopped clock is right twice a day. And it seems to me that President Bush is, basically, right on the question of how to deal with the issue of illegal / undocumented / choose-your-adjective immigrants. From Reuters:
“I know this is an emotional debate,” Bush said. “But the one thing we cannot lose sight of is we’re talking about human beings, decent human beings. Massive deportation of the people here is unrealistic. It’s not going to work.”
… Bush, wrapping up a West Coast swing, said he favored a temporary worker program that would allow illegal immigrants to work inside the United States, but opposed granting automatic citizenship.
Basically, Bush seems to be backing something like the compromise bill that Senators Kennedy and McCain are behind. Kennedy has expressly requested Bush’s support for the bill, and maybe he’s going to get it. Seems sensible to me.
even a stopped clock is right twice a day
I absolutely agree with the analogy and the topic at hand. Real immigration reform means helping people get here legally and to be treated fairly once their here.
This is what Bush was saying a few weeks ago when the issue was at its hottest, and the Senate compromise was first being floated.
The point is, he’s been saying this the whole time the Senate has been considering it, as far as I know. It’s not new, he just said it again.
I said it was right. And it is. Moreover, the language he used yesterday was quite strong – stronger than I recalled him using before – and I thought it was worthy of note.
Build a wall, then start deporting. It will work fine.
We can do this. We have the technology.
In WaPo article I saw this:
“Bush said illegal immigrants should be giving an opportunity to “get in the back of the line” and apply for U.S. citizenship after they have paid a fine and met other conditions, such as learning English.”
and I wonder if the bill Bush is thinking about would apply to people from Asia, Africa, etc. or just folks from Mexico? (and only “illegal” immigrants?) If Asia and Africa (and why not?) would it apply if they have a temporary visa and want to stay in the US?