Blue Mass Group is far superior to the provocateurs at Hub Politics (calling people illegal leeches, as mentioned in the article, is hardly the most offensive thing they’ve written). They didn’t deserve the time of day to promote the dreck they post.
They also censor their comments and don’t allow others to post, two features that are typical of right-wing blogs, which are afraid of engaging in actual debate when they aren’t the ones holding the megaphone, and features which make BMG all the better.
In reading the article, I also got the sense that they are just in it to try to make a buck and could really care less about the issues but just want to promote the right-wing agenda to advance themselves. Maybe they’ll make it to one of those Scaife-funded right-wing think tanks someday if they can find more innovative ways to offend reasonable people and dumb the standards of acceptable discourse further down.
the folks at hub politics is that they are the victims. Yep, that’s right, they’re victims of a politically correct world which has deprived them of… oh, couldn’t think of anything they’ve actually been deprived of…
perhaps they ought stop whining and moaning and have some real discourse on the issues. as much as the Rush Limbaughs and Bill O’Reillys out there like to reduce important political debate to talk about “poopyheads” and other classic playground monikers, you gotta give credit to two victimized 25-year-olds who have taken the time to transcribe that crap from on-air to on-the-net.
do they really censor political discourse over there? Isn’t that what they do in Communist China?
They went to the TypeKey thing soon after getting absolutely housed on this thread.
I’m not saying it was necessarily related… you know, error of post-hoc-ergo-hoc reasoning. We report, you decide.
But let it be known that within our simple posting rules and some basic good taste, anyone can come in here and piss in the pool. And we ought to be able to defend ourselves on factual grounds, in any event.
they really took a beating on that one, didn’t they.
I agree that we must support our own arguments. For all the vitriol I’ve been spitting of late, holding up our end with hard facts will alls beat their “truthiness.” The alternative is looking like a dufus on your own blog.
anyway, it makes me all the more appreciative of the real dialog happening here at BMG.
It was great to learn more about you and the origins of BMG.
Opened up my paper and there you were. I think it was great for awareness–I hope more people find the site because of this.
Also, in the paper copy it is right next to the article, but on the web they have a separate link for other Mass political blogs, which includes Sco’s: Pick your spot.
May your hits increase wildly! And welcome to any new folks who have come by to see!
David – I am so envious of the fact that you clerked for both O’Connor & Breyer!
Its really interesting to see how you guys started out and ultimately came together to create this blog.
Way to go guys! Not everyone makes their way into the pages of the Globe, and not everyone makes it to the pages in a positive light.
I particularly liked the part where Wangsness writes about the original reporting and interviewing you’ve done with the candidates and around town at political functions. This is what separates you from other blogs and creates credibility.
Keep on kickin’ ass!
(And the Globe should be credited for publishing a fair account, too. It’s not often that the Big Dog in town gives credit to the competition. It’s a definite sign of respect.)
Congrats on the very high-profile article! As I flipped through the sections of the paper this article pretty much jumped right off the City & Region front page and grabbed me. I hope it had that effect on many others, too.
Reading it I was excited for the 3 of you (Charley, Dave and Bob), for the BMG site, and for our need to reinvigorate broad participation in civil discourse and political action.
As I type this (hoping the baby will keep napping and that my 5 yo won’t bound in the door for another couple minutes), I realize that the 2 hugely important issues the article leads with, Gay Marriage and Healthcare, are both proposed Constitutional Amendment items on the Wed. May 10th 1:00 pm Constitutional Convention at the State Jouse (public gallery open to observe proceedings). May 10 is really soon.
p> has info on the Healthcare Amendment Campaign that ordinary folks including many nurses like me are working hard to support. A current campaign goal is getting 50,000 postcards to legislators by May 1st – please consider signing yours online now!
p> is the source I go to and am signed up with to take political action to support equal marriage rights.
Nice to know those guys are from the North Shore, maybe now they should dump the “Hub” from their handle, since they have nothing to do with Boston, and call themselves “Prides Crossing Politics” or “Not really the Hub” Politics. Love to hear their thoughts on politics in Essex ….
LeftCenterLEft, .08 Acres, Car Pundit, mAss Backwards and the Honourable Peter Porcupine all got a sidebar with links as well – at least in the on-line version! (I must confess, no force on earth would induce me to PURCHASE the Boston Globe….) See here:
I thought both stories were relatively fair – naturally, the liberal ‘choice words’ and characterizations were not singled out, as THEY are mainstream thought (right?)
I was also fascinated to learn that the conservative bloggers were twenty years younger than the liberal ones (I admit, I have a few years on all of you). An interesting trend…
I think that Bob and I are very unusual in the blogosphere in that we’ve both passed our 40th birthday. The great majority of bloggers, both left and right, are relative youngsters, AFAIK.
At least they covered one worthwhile blog! I ran into one of the Margolis brothers when Bush came to town a few years ago. He was one of the half dozen pro-Bush dipshits in the crowd.
Has anyone seen, which was mentioned in the story as a blog that one of the Margolis brothers runs? Now that is OUT THERE. In one piece, the senior editor (not Margolis) put the word “gay” in quotes, and when asked why, replied that, “These parents aren’t “gay” — they are raging sodomites.”
Good job, guys.
Blue Mass Group is far superior to the provocateurs at Hub Politics (calling people illegal leeches, as mentioned in the article, is hardly the most offensive thing they’ve written). They didn’t deserve the time of day to promote the dreck they post.
They also censor their comments and don’t allow others to post, two features that are typical of right-wing blogs, which are afraid of engaging in actual debate when they aren’t the ones holding the megaphone, and features which make BMG all the better.
In reading the article, I also got the sense that they are just in it to try to make a buck and could really care less about the issues but just want to promote the right-wing agenda to advance themselves. Maybe they’ll make it to one of those Scaife-funded right-wing think tanks someday if they can find more innovative ways to offend reasonable people and dumb the standards of acceptable discourse further down.
the folks at hub politics is that they are the victims. Yep, that’s right, they’re victims of a politically correct world which has deprived them of… oh, couldn’t think of anything they’ve actually been deprived of…
perhaps they ought stop whining and moaning and have some real discourse on the issues. as much as the Rush Limbaughs and Bill O’Reillys out there like to reduce important political debate to talk about “poopyheads” and other classic playground monikers, you gotta give credit to two victimized 25-year-olds who have taken the time to transcribe that crap from on-air to on-the-net.
do they really censor political discourse over there? Isn’t that what they do in Communist China?
They went to the TypeKey thing soon after getting absolutely housed on this thread.
I’m not saying it was necessarily related… you know, error of post-hoc-ergo-hoc reasoning. We report, you decide.
But let it be known that within our simple posting rules and some basic good taste, anyone can come in here and piss in the pool. And we ought to be able to defend ourselves on factual grounds, in any event.
they really took a beating on that one, didn’t they.
I agree that we must support our own arguments. For all the vitriol I’ve been spitting of late, holding up our end with hard facts will alls beat their “truthiness.” The alternative is looking like a dufus on your own blog.
anyway, it makes me all the more appreciative of the real dialog happening here at BMG.
It was great to learn more about you and the origins of BMG.
Opened up my paper and there you were. I think it was great for awareness–I hope more people find the site because of this.
Also, in the paper copy it is right next to the article, but on the web they have a separate link for other Mass political blogs, which includes Sco’s: Pick your spot.
May your hits increase wildly! And welcome to any new folks who have come by to see!
Notice, though, that they mispelled “liberal” in the URL. That’s pretty hilarious.
I thought I just had Sunday sleepy-eyes.
David – I am so envious of the fact that you clerked for both O’Connor & Breyer!
Its really interesting to see how you guys started out and ultimately came together to create this blog.
Way to go guys! Not everyone makes their way into the pages of the Globe, and not everyone makes it to the pages in a positive light.
I particularly liked the part where Wangsness writes about the original reporting and interviewing you’ve done with the candidates and around town at political functions. This is what separates you from other blogs and creates credibility.
Keep on kickin’ ass!
(And the Globe should be credited for publishing a fair account, too. It’s not often that the Big Dog in town gives credit to the competition. It’s a definite sign of respect.)
Great picture too, you handsome devils. But, where are the jammies? Don’t all bloggers blog in their jammies?
Hmm… maybe it’s just me then. đŸ˜€
Congrats on the very high-profile article! As I flipped through the sections of the paper this article pretty much jumped right off the City & Region front page and grabbed me. I hope it had that effect on many others, too.
Reading it I was excited for the 3 of you (Charley, Dave and Bob), for the BMG site, and for our need to reinvigorate broad participation in civil discourse and political action.
As I type this (hoping the baby will keep napping and that my 5 yo won’t bound in the door for another couple minutes), I realize that the 2 hugely important issues the article leads with, Gay Marriage and Healthcare, are both proposed Constitutional Amendment items on the Wed. May 10th 1:00 pm Constitutional Convention at the State Jouse (public gallery open to observe proceedings). May 10 is really soon.
p> has info on the Healthcare Amendment Campaign that ordinary folks including many nurses like me are working hard to support. A current campaign goal is getting 50,000 postcards to legislators by May 1st – please consider signing yours online now!
p> is the source I go to and am signed up with to take political action to support equal marriage rights.
Way to go!!!
Nice to know those guys are from the North Shore, maybe now they should dump the “Hub” from their handle, since they have nothing to do with Boston, and call themselves “Prides Crossing Politics” or “Not really the Hub” Politics. Love to hear their thoughts on politics in Essex ….
LeftCenterLEft, .08 Acres, Car Pundit, mAss Backwards and the Honourable Peter Porcupine all got a sidebar with links as well – at least in the on-line version! (I must confess, no force on earth would induce me to PURCHASE the Boston Globe….) See here:
I thought both stories were relatively fair – naturally, the liberal ‘choice words’ and characterizations were not singled out, as THEY are mainstream thought (right?)
I was also fascinated to learn that the conservative bloggers were twenty years younger than the liberal ones (I admit, I have a few years on all of you). An interesting trend…
I think that Bob and I are very unusual in the blogosphere in that we’ve both passed our 40th birthday. The great majority of bloggers, both left and right, are relative youngsters, AFAIK.
Excuse me? (I’m 33.)
…all you kids look alike…
Just a quick note of encouragement from your DC cousin! I will now be one of your loyal readers! Sal
At least they covered one worthwhile blog! I ran into one of the Margolis brothers when Bush came to town a few years ago. He was one of the half dozen pro-Bush dipshits in the crowd.
Has anyone seen, which was mentioned in the story as a blog that one of the Margolis brothers runs? Now that is OUT THERE. In one piece, the senior editor (not Margolis) put the word “gay” in quotes, and when asked why, replied that, “These parents aren’t “gay” — they are raging sodomites.”
Hoo boy. That’s hard-core! You can see for yourself at
David – I am so envious of the fact that you clerked for both O’Connor & Breyer!
Its really interesting to see how you guys started out and ultimately came together to create this blog.