I have this conversation around election season all the time: “yeah,” says the progressive Massachusetts Democrat,”I really want to get involved in the (a) midterm; (b) Presidential election, but the Republicans don’t stand a chance here, so what can I do?” Sure, I could say to them: “there’s many exciting progressive legislative races to work on here in Mass.,” or “there’s an exciting governor’s race this time”, but this year, that just wouldn’t be enough. This year, I’d also say: “never fear! Connecticut is right next door! And Ned Lamont is running to unseat Joe Lieberman! And I and my friends are holding a fundraiser in Boston where you can actually meet Ned! On Tuesday, April 18! 6:00 to 7:30!” And then my progressive friends would say: “how do I find out more?” And I would say: “e-mail me at jsw121 at earthlink dot net!”
PS: Is it bad blogger etiquette to do shameless plugs like this?
Uh, I think that’s what this site is for. That’s why we have a “user post” function. Plug away.
Woo hoo! Thanks.
I’d love to meet Ned Lamont and have been plugging his campaign online since it was a rumor. But I’m already committed to a Democratic Party organizing meeting for Victory ’06 that same evening, and right after that is the second night of DFA Night School. Ahh, organizer overload!