There’s a new blog in town – and it’s a soapblox blog, just like us. “Below Boston” says that it’s “shining a progressive light on the political landscape from Quincy to Cape Cod.”
They also have the kickass-est blog logo I’ve ever seen.
Welcome to the neighborhood!
Please share widely!
merbex says
I’m Susan H. and I’ve posted here before as merbex.
We at BelowBoston love Blue Mass Group (and the soapblox network) and we will be at the Convention in Worcester as Delegates and bloggers and we hope we run into you guys while we are there.
We are still working out some kinks over at our site, cosmetically speaking, and we are hoping to pass out flyers announcing our blog during Town Meeting season on the South Shore.
Thanks again for the welcome and have a great holiday weekend!
susan-m says
to another Susan. đŸ˜€
I’m hoping that we blogger types who are going to the convention in whatever capacity can have a meetup at some point during the convention.
I know there will be tons of parties and shindigs so there should be plenty of opportunities. We probably won’t even have to plan something of our own (unless we really want to) we can just agree to meet at a particular place.
Someone want to volunteer to coordinate this? I’m up to my bra strap in planning obligations presently. đŸ™‚
merbex says
I’ll try to remember and I’ll post something about a bloggers meetup in Worcester around May 15th or so for the June 2 -3 Convention
susan-m says
and thanks! đŸ™‚