Why won’t BMG back up their decision to supress a comment of mine with quotes from the ‘offending text”? Why won’t they let the readers see it to discuss. I have made my point. And they refuse to debate.
Bob has shown a new attitude that makes me think he sleeps in the bunk above Charley. No facts to his argument.
Please share widely!
Your comment is gone, as I explained on the other thread. Once it’s deleted, it’s deleted, and we couldn’t bring it back even if we wanted to. So you’ll just have to let it go. Your other post pretty much summarized what it said, didn’t it? So what’s the great loss?
As for “refusing to debate,” that’s pretty funny, since we’ve been the most frequent commenters on your posts about this. And frankly, what was in your post doesn’t really matter. The point is that it called us “fascist pigs,” or “fascists,” or something like that. That’s a personal attack, it breaks the rules, and if the rest of the post equaled the Federalist Papers, we’d still delete it. Well, maybe not, but it didn’t, so no great loss. 🙂
Did i call you fascist pigs? Hmm. lol
Seriously, I don’t recall. But i am pretty sure I didn’t. I might have said this outing of commentators is fascist pig like. (Not in those words.) If my words could have been construed to say you guys a fascist pigs, then I apologize. Seriously.
But now I am on a mission to point out any policies you favor that can be used by totalitarian governments to help spread fascism. I can’t imagine something like that being improper.
I don’t expect to really ever have one. But if i catch you….
Like say, not seeing how outing anonymous posters or posters with pseudonyms is a tool a fascist regimes could use to control people.
I wish I had what I wrote. But who cares?
I am bored with this too. But I am a little disappointed in your hyper-sensitivity.
For What It Is Worth.
Yes, Ernie’s purpose here, is for his own sick entertainment, he is a ball buster. The contrarian thinker, with a chip on the shoulder, and crass tongue. Charley, we ball busters are a dime a dozen. I have chosen to be the guy that busts BMG balls.
I am a Democrat. I respect what you do here. However, some of the commentators on here, and based on my readings, I include Charley, are that small number of people on the far far side of the bell curve. These are the people that can’t rationally discuss any topic related to what their particular curve represents. In this case it is politics.
Unfortunately, because of our state party rules, A small percentage of democrats with a bent towards the far left control the nomination process and thus we lose the corner office everytime. That by the way is why I see Tom Reilly as our only chance.
(Gabrielli just doesn’t do it for me)
But anyway, my suggestion for this blog to grow and get real credibility with others outside of that far end of the curve who simply want to hear the same ole sermons. BMG does not need to not get so high and mighty. No one here or anywhere works for GOD. Reasonable people disagree. Being the number one progressive blog in Massachusetts and getting 1700 hits a day is actually less than one would expect.
Ernie is a ball buster. Get over it. And get over yourselves.
I agree with almost everything you said in that comment. I WANT guys like you around (like I have said before, I still miss “The Troll,” who abandoned us after the Jehlen Senate race – unless you are he under a new handle), because it makes this a better site. And believe me, I’m under no illusions about the effect (or lack of same) that we are presently having on the political process around here. We’ve been noticed, which I’m pleased about, but it’s safe to say that we haven’t done much more than that.
As I’ve said umpty-ump times, I know that reasonable people disagree, and I want those disagreements aired here – why do you think we went to the hassle of changing software platforms a couple of months ago? The whole point of going to soapblox was to get the community more involved in the site, because we thought – correctly, as it turns out – that the site would be a whole lot more interesting if people other than just the three of us were allowed to write full-length posts.
So by all means, stick around! Be cantankerous, be contrarian, have all the chips you want on your shoulder. Just don’t make it personal – because it’s not, and personal attacks accomplish nothing beyond annoying the person being attacked. If you really want to set the fuzzy-headed bleeding-heart socialists on this site straight, the worst thing you can do is come off as a bully.
my suggestion for this blog to grow and get real credibility with others outside of that far end of the curve who simply want to hear the same ole sermons.
The best way to do that, though, in our judgment, is to develop ideas and arguments through reasoned discourse, not just collapse into a pit of seething extremism and shouting ala dailykos, freerepublic, and their ilk. That’s why we feel so strongly about this subject.