You’ve got to appreciate the Boston Globe’s up front journalism when they bury this item in yesterday’s Political Notes column:
A review of Patrick’s Milton donors, listed in state campaign records, included former Clinton administration policy adviser Ira Magaziner; Mitchell Rabkin, CEO emeritus of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center; Alfred S. Larkin Jr., The Boston Globe’s executive vice president, and his wife, Wendy Fox.
Late last week, the Patrick campaign returned Larkin’s $500 contribution, at his request. Larkin, a close friend of Patrick for about 15 years, explained that the donation stemmed from a misunderstanding with his wife. ”It was never my intention to make a contribution to Patrick’s campaign,” Larkin said in an e-mail.
Right. . .and just how did this “misunderstanding” happen? It would be nice if the Boston Globe issued its own statement assuring its readers that the conflict would not interfere with full and fair coverage of the campaign (or that it has not already) rather than covering its tail with Mr. Larkin’s email statement and tucking it into a relatively obscure column.
you don’t need to worry too much about a pro-Patrick bias in the Globe’s reporting! đŸ™‚