Let’s just make something clear: Deval Patrick is not urging any vote trading, according to the pdf guide for delegates.
Now that’s out of the way, I think it’s important we discuss here what to expect at the convention. It seems to me that there are a lot of newcomers to the convention process, and I’m one of them. As far as I know, this is the best online resource for delegates committed to Deval Patrick, and I imagine if you are a Reilly or Gabrieli supporter you can just replace the name.
Anybody else have good resources for delegates?
Please share widely!
david says
is quite an excellent starting point (even if you’re not a Patrick delegate) – it has a lot of very useful basic info.
susan-m says
Some senate districts have some sort of convention overview — and some don’t, which is too bad. I think the convention will run more smoothly, if people have some earthly clue what will happen and where to be when.
The Middlesex and Worcester Dems hosted a orientation/training program in Marlborough a week or so ago. It was pouring rain that night, and still over 50 people showed up.
As for replacing of names: Any Reilly or Gabrieli supporter is invited to vote for Deval Patrick on the first ballot.
Oh, you didn’t mean replacing that name. My bad. đŸ™‚
michael-forbes-wilcox says
I think that’s a great idea. Let’s all vote for Patrick on the first ballot to show Party unity, then after than you can vote for whomever you please.
aldon-hynes says
For those of you who want to get a little bit more of an idea of what to expect from a convention, please stop by at My Left Nutmeg where lefty Connecticut bloggers have a fair amount of details about what happened at the Connecticut Democratic State Convention that was this weekend.
Connecticut Local Politics, which tries to include all points of view also has some great blogging conversations about the convention.
I blogged the Massachusetts Democratic State Convention last year. (Check out some of my posts on Orient Lodge last year.)
I hope to make it to the convention this year and blog it as well. Perhaps I will run into some of you.