Matt Stoller is still afraid that MA congressmen Bill Delahunt could sell us down the river on net neutrality:
The danger here is that the conflict between the Rules Committee and the Judiciary Committee produces a meaningless substitute bill [for the Sensenbrenner-Conyers Net Neutrality bill (HR 5417)], and some squishy Dem like Bill Delahunt sells us out and cosponsors it … That bill can then go to the floor and House Democrats will then vote for it while whimpering that it’s the only pro-net neutrality legislation they had the opportunity to vote for.
Last week’s call to action by mem from somerville may have worked — but we’re still watching.
For those in his district, it couldn’t hurt to give ol’ Bill a call at (202)225-3111, saying this, again:
Here’s what to say. Urge them to support the bipartisan Sensenbrenner-Conyers Net Neutrality bill (HR 5417)… and to support it without amendment. Saying without amendment is key.
(If you’re wondering what net neutrality is, watch a little video.)
First his ‘Please Master May I’ stance on Cape Wind, then his hypocricy about the Cashman wind farm, then his flirtation with a brutal South American dictator to get fuel oil in the WARMEST WINTER IN YEARS, then his goofy tripsto make nice with Fidel in Havana, his gutless attempts to close Camp Edwards and turn it into a turtle sanctuary UNTIL 9/11 when he became the Warrior King…all the while oblivious to the needs of his constituents.
He disgusts me, and he makes you guys look bad too,
Jeff Beatty wil clean his clock.