Deval Patrick’s campaign has helpfully put out a “Delegate Survival Kit”, with lots of useful advice on how to do this whole convention thang.
For instance, did you know this?
No bags other than purses are allowed to be brought in to the Convention Center. All purses will be searched. No food or water may be brought into the Center. No bags of any size, including backpacks, fanny packs, briefcases or large purses may be brought into the Center.
Yikes. Pretty strict. And don’t forget your mini-flashlight! (Why?)
Aside from the “VOTE ONLY FOR DEVAL” in bold print, I think anyone who’s attending the convention would find this useful. I would imagine it can be a dizzying experience; last year I got acquainted with Phil Johnston’s unique Robert’s-Rules-meets-Roller-Derby method of running the proceedings. Make sure you know when and why and for what you’re standing up, shouting “aye” or “nay”, whether you’re in the right place at the right time, etc. Good luck!
Charley, When lights are dimmed a flashlight is helpful for reading lists, directions, phone numbers, etc. Kate
Who paid for the Convention Hall? The Democratic Party of MA, no? If so, why don’t the Dems fight to allow us to bring food and (non-alchoholic) drink? I mean, give me a break. I’m not thrilled about forking over my loot to go into a building and then fork over my loot to drink some water or eat a snack bar.
Color me unimpressed, and yet again frustrated how 9/11 blurs the lines between civil liberties, public safety, and monopolistic capitalism.
Stick a bottle of water inside your pants as you go through security. Wear big pants with pockets and put a sandwich in your pocket. and no, I’m not kidding.
well, you know the rest.
According to one of my local State Committee members, bottles of water will be available for free inside the convention hall.
That’s one fewer concetn for the convention. I don’t know why that has not been publicized.