As the Washington Post reported Sunday, “Six years after labeling the Rev. Jerry Falwell one of the political ‘agents of intolerance,’ Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) delivered the commencement address Saturday at Falwell’s Liberty University, and vigorously defended his support for the war in Iraq while saying that opponents have a moral duty to challenge the wisdom of a conflict that has exacted a huge toll on the nation.” McCain delivered a similar address today at Columbia. Interested? Here is McCain on choice in 2000, and McCain on Iraq in 2005. The Senator also announced his support for the blogosphere, although some took his comments as an attack. Ladies and gentlemen, the likely 2008 Republican presidential nominee…
John McCain, Anyone? Anyone?
Please share widely!
I’d like to hear McCain tell a national television audience of agrees with Rev. Falwell’s assertion that America “deserved what it got” on 9/11.
If he disagrees, I’d like to hear his explanation as to why he would speak at Falwell’s university and fail to criticize the Reverend publicly for espousing such cowardly, pro-terrorist, anti-American views.
But just remember that this silly little game of “so & so MUST DENOUNCE such & such” that is so in vogue these days, is sword that cuts both ways.
Neither side is without it’s hypocrites.