The first TV debate of the Governors’ race is coming up on May 18th. Patrick, Reilly, Gabrieli, and Mihos, will be there… but not Kerry Healey. The Globe reports:
Four of the candidates for governor are scheduled to participate in the campaign’s first live televised debate on May 18.
Republican candidate Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey declined the invitation, organizers said. Healey challenged all the declared candidates for governor to four debates between the primary and general elections this fall. A call to a campaign spokesman was not immediately returned.
Adam Reilly of the Phoenix got the answer from Nate Little, a campaign spokesman for Kerry Healey:
“Two of the three Democrats won’t even be in the race after the primaries. We sent out a debate challenge last week, for four debates between primary and election day. So once the candidates for the final are established, we’ll be happy to debate anytime and anywhere.”
Lame, eh?
But here’s the really funny part Adam Reilly uncovered: Healey’s recent challenge to the other candidates to hold four debates, came on April 25th. Candidates were formally invited to the May 18th debate on April 14th. This “challenge” sounds like Healey’s reaction to the debate invitation she had just decided to decline.
It’s one thing to sit on a big lead, and refuse to debate because you don’t want to jeopardize your position. But Healey’s not in that position. Yeah, she’ll take her lumps, but she could land punches, too.
Missed oppportunity for them, us, and the public at large.
Healey would have to be nuts to debate three opponents at the same time. If I were her campaign manager I’d tell her going to that debate would just dignify three munchkins. Let them fight it out, and when an adult is chosen they can get promoted to the big leagues, which is a debate with her.
Do you think Christy Mihos is nuts to participate?
Or is Kerry Healey in a significantly stronger position than he is, so she has more to lose? (I don’t think she is)
It would essentially be a 4 v 1 debate and in that situation sherry healey is more than likely to look terrible. Mihos on the other hand has everything to gain because he has a ‘chance’ to siphon off some democratic support early on and perhaps look more like a legitimate candidate.
Before this run for Governor. Weren’t we all talking about whether he’d run as a Republican or an independent candidate, with no thought of running as a Democrat? Wasn’t he appointed by a Republican? Sure there’s badness between him and the Romney administration, but why is everyone acting like he’d just act as a 4th Democrat in this debate? I don’t get it. The Democrats are campaigning against each other too. If Healey were in, wouldn’t it be more like 3 Democrats and 2 Republicans than like 4 on 1?
It will be 3 Dems unsure whether they should beat up on each other or on Healey and Mihos; Mihos, who would be free to (and undoubtedly would) attack everyone; and Healey, who would be defending herself from all sides. There’s no way Healey and Mihos would form some sort of anti-Dem non-aggression pact.
if you believe KH is an adult. In my book she is a munchkin too. Just because she does not have an opponent doesn’t excuse her from the primary. Her part devised this lets coronate one to avoid the primary battles plan that I dont buy. Unless one feels that a bunch of republican delegates are capable of choosing the adult.
o agree that she would be nuts to agree, but I think we as democrats should not let her of the hook, if she wants maybe she can debate them on at a time. I think as a voting citizen I’d like to see that before the primary, as a democrat Id LOVE it
Will Ted Kennedy be debating BOTH of is GOP challangers before the Prirmary?
Oh, THAT’S right! Ted will refuse to debate anyone at all, and wil be defended for it by BMG!
Let me think this one out……
Ted Kennedy IS currently a US Senator
Kerry Healy is currently NOT the Governor
Ted Kennedy is running for re election
Kerry Healy is NOT running for re election
Ted Kennedy is not running for a new office
Kerry Healy is…….
Yeah that makes sense. Not as big of an ouch as I thought, this porcupine must have small quills, only a little prick.
Ted Kennedy should debate whoever wins what will surely be one of the most closely watched primaries in the … zzzzz …
No, seriously, he should. And I think Healey would be nuts to participate in this May 18 event – though, as I’ve explained elsewhere, she single-handedly turned a perfectly sensible refusal to inject herself into the Dem primary into an embarrassment for herself. That wasn’t easy to do – have to give her credit!
One thing that really really bugs me about some of the crankier commenters here, is when they put words in other people’s mouths or attitudes in other people’s heads. They do it with sarcasm, and an air of complete confidence, and they’re usually wrong.
Don’t do it. It demeans what you’re saying and makes the people you’re falsely mocking far less inclined to pay attention to you.