Statewide Democratic office holders, and state reps and senators should be allowed to appoint a number of delegates to the convention. This would the process up and reflect the views of more Democratic voters.
Democrats who are nominated by Democrats at the primary and then elected have a good idea of what Democrats throughout the state are thinking?
A non controlling seat at the table of a very big and inclusive state Democratic convention is not a threat but an opportunity to open up dialogue The current rules allow many different groups to be represented at the convention. How about the group of people that actually vote in the state primaries in September?
Yes I know each official has one vote.
The spat written about in BMG is a “lover’s quarrel” between far left state Democrats on the outside and the far left state Democrats and teachers’ unions on the inside who currently control it.
Far Left is like a little boy with the bat and ball but only play with those who agree with him on evrything with a smattering of exceptions.
He never ever put a winning team together.