I follow the voting records of our Congressional delegation, roll call by roll call, looking for the anomalies. Often, we have votes on mostly partisan lines, with all or most of the Massachusetts delegation voting with the Democrats. But sometimes, something more interesting happens, and that’s when I get curious.
Last Thursday, the House voted on the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007, and passed it 396-31. Massachetts was the only state where the bill was not supported by a majority: our delegation split 5-5.
Interestingly, of the 31 nays, 30 were Democrats, and th one Republican was Ron Paul of Texas, who is actually more of a Libertarian registered as a Republican (and one of the few highly principled Republicans left in Congress, though I think he’s on the wrong side of many many issues).
I’m usually most curious when Barney Frank, Ed Markey, and Mike Capuano disagree on a vote. That didn’t happen this time – they’re 3 of our five nays. Still, a point of curiosity.
Don’t blame me, I’m from Massachusetts (and in John Tierney’s discrict).
Anyone else think we have pretty much the best delegation of Representatives in the country? I certainly dig Tierney on most issues.
We have a great delegation, but sometimes I think Vermont has the best. And it’s about to get better (Bernie Sanders is moving up to the Senate for next year).
that McGovern’s “yea” vote was a mistake, which, if you’ve ever seen the archaic machinery used to vote in the House, you’d see was quite a common problem.
Anywho, McGovern is normally with the group that voted “No” on the authorization. If I recall correctly, from defense authorizations in the years I was there, the major beef of those in the delegation voting against was the inclusion of nuclear weapons. However, it could be the fact that we spend 10 times as much on “defense” as we do on securing the homeland, let alone social spending.
The only one who is tough to predict on security issues is Meehan. He voted for the war, against appropriating money for it, and now votes for this. Voting for this isn’t a surprise, since he’s on the authorizing committee (Armed Services), but on other security related matters he’s the only one in the delegation thats tough to pin down.
and I second Ryan, we have the best delegation out there.
You’re joking, of course.
I have relatives and friends of all political stripes scattered around the country, blue and red states. They all uniformly think we have one of the worst delegations in the country.
Even the liberals in the family are critical of ourlack of diversity (all white Dems.)
Ben, have you ever been west of Dedham?