The authors of Crashing the Gate, Markos “Daily Kos” Moulitsas Zuniga and Jerome “MyDD” Armstrong, are coming to Cambridge this Tuesday for a book-signing, reception, and all-around good time. The folks over at Drinking Liberally Cambridge have taken the lead on organizing this – thanks to them for doing it! Here’s the basic info:
When: Tuesday, May 23, 2006,
7:00 PM8:00 PM NOTE TIME CHANGEWhere: Middlesex Lounge
315 Massachusetts Ave. (map – Red Line to Central if you’re coming by T)
Cambridge, MA 02139
The book, by the way, is a great read, and should be required reading for anyone interested in helping the Democratic party help itself. It’s on the shelves at the nearby Harvard Book Store, if you need to pick up a copy for the event.
Alas, I’m not sure I can make it (*cries into beer*), but I’ll try to get there late if I can. Fear not, though – Charley will be there representing BMG, the way-more-fun-than-me Lynne of Left in Lowell is going, and no doubt other blogosphere denizens will be there as well. It should be great fun – hope you can make it!
sco says
It’s shaping up to be a bloggeriffic couple of days. If anyone’s interested, here’s my review of Crashing the Gate.
cos says
I really want to be there, but the PDS monthly meeting is the same night, at 7pm. It’s a pity this book signing didn’t start earlier. Maybe I’ll drop by briefly and be late to PDS… but we have both Deb Goldberg and Andrea Silbert at the PDS meeting so I don’t want to risk missing either of them. sigh
lynne says
Come at like 8:30 or so! Leave PDS early. đŸ™‚
mem-from-somerville says
Thanks for the T stop info, I wasn’t sure where that was…
I have my copy of the book all ready for signatures. Re-reading parts of it tonight. I feel like I’m crashing for an exam….and gosh, it’s been years since that was an issue!
lynne says
It’s been a long while since I saw Charlie. đŸ™‚ Hope you can make it too, David!
I think I’ll have an entourage…I know some people wanted to go from Lowell, so I’m trying to arrange a carpool.
sco says
Left in Lowell has a Posse?