In this post ,the Mihos campaign is OFF THE DEEP END with a threat of libel on which appears to be a basis of fact. Rather than either explaining the website they created as a mistake or simply admitting the payment in kind, the Mihos people threaten “Hub Politics” with a lawsuit. Hub politics then proceeds to fold like an old suit.
I say Christy is panicking because the public is starting to figure him out. To bring attention to something as minor as this website disclosure is strange. What are they hiding?
Campaigns have these little problems all the time . Whether it is returning big dig checks to contributors or reimbursing the campaign for mistakes in payment in kind, these are not a big deal. Good people actually make honest mistakes. Hmmm , there is more to this story if they are so concerned with a threat of a lawsuit.
BMG should not let this story die under any circumstances because it will certainly chill the blogs from disclosing any factual information and commenting thereon with random threats of libel. I wonder if we continue the thread Christy they will demand all of our IP Addresses of each blogger that comments and threaten us all.