Robert Kuttner and many others are bewitched, bothered and bamboozled by Rupert Murdoch’s fundraiser for Hillary Clinton. Most of his invective is aimed at her for being a sellout. And many are surprised that Mr. Fox News would support her with what must be quite a bit of cash.
You know, I can’t get exercised about it; he did the same thing for Schumer, and let’s face it: a Senator is simply not going to turn down that kind of cash from anyone short of Osama bin Laden. They’re not that strong. They can’t be. We have a system of bought-and-paid-for politicians; Hillary and Chuck know what they are.
And as for Murdoch, it makes absolutely perfect sense: He’s a constituent; her election is a fait accompli anyway; and it’s a way to get leverage over her once she wins. Business as usual.
patrick-hart says
Hillary and Chuck are not “strong” enough to turn down the prospect of a Murdoch fundraiser? Hillary has a huge amount of money in the bank, and she would lose barely a drop in the bucket by telling Rupert that she wasn’t interested in doing a fundraiser. It’s one thing if Murdoch chooses to donate his own money to her — it’s another if they plan a fundraiser together. I’m sorry, but I don’t find it ok for a Dem senator to be working with one of the individuals most responsible for trashing and maligning our party.
You may be right that it is “business as usual” — therein lies the problem.
finchna says
that Al Gore got the Dem nomination than Hillary Clinton. I know he says he’s not running, but I hope he changes his mind over the next few months. As much as HC would be a welcome change to the current admin, he support for the Iraq war is a big negative.
I read someplace that Murdoch always plays it both ways, supporting both Dems and Repubs. The story said he’ll soon enough have a fund raiser for a likely Repub frontrunner.
michael-forbes-wilcox says
My feeling is that both NY Senators do not represent the true values of the Democratic Party (or, speaking for myself, at least, mine).
The Junior Senator’s militaristic statements about Iraq, for example, when 80% of Dems are in favor of winding down that disaster.
And the Senior Senator’s China-bashing instead of looking in the mirror to see that our trade imbalance is a made-at-home problem. If we weren’t financing our war/federal deficit by borrowning money from China we wouldn’t need to run a trade deficit with them.
But, I digress — let’s elect Deval Patrick as Governor and start to take back our country!
bob-neer says
early on. After he had made his name as a Thatcher supporter. The point was that he felt the wind blowing, and thought support for Labor would be good for News Corp. In MHO, the most interesting conclusion from this bit of news is that a cagey operator thinks Clinton will be a Senator from New York for a long time to come … and perhaps something more.