Because of the flooding up in Lowell, the Lowell Senior Center will still be in use this weekend as an emergency shelter, and therefore won’t be available for the Lieutenant Governor forum scheduled for 2 pm on Sunday, May 21.
Instead, the forum will be held at the Lowell Telecommunications Corporation TV studio, located at 246 Market Street in Lowell (map). Here’s the full text of the announcement from the Lowell Democratic City Committee:
The Lowell Senior Center will not be available for the Lt Governor Forum this Sunday since it is still being used as an emergency shelter for residents displaced from their homes by this weekâs flooding. Instead, the Forum will be held at the television studio of Lowell Telecommunications Corporation (LTC), Lowellâs community media and technology center at 246 Market Street (just a few blocks from the Senior Center). Staging the Forum at the TV studio allows us to broadcast the Forum live on local cable in Lowell and to obtain a high-quality recording for distribution to other local cable stations throughout the state. The Forum will also be available via online streaming video from LTCâs website and, as an existing WIFI site, the studio will easily permit live blogging during the Forum. Although the size of the in studio audience will be limited to approximately 30 people, overflow attendees will be able to view the live broadcast at any of the coffee shops, restaurants or bars that are a short walk from the studio which is in the midst of Lowellâs revitalized downtown. Nature has transformed our traditional large-audience debate into a high tech, forward looking event that will allow the power of local cable and the internet to bring the Lt Governor candidates to thousands of Massachusetts voters. Please check back for additional details as they come available.
If you were planning to come to the senior center, please plan to join us at the LTC Studio. The latest news I have is that we’ll have room for upwards of 40 folks in the studio, and we’ll also have an off-site place to watch the proceedings live.
We’re still working on the details, but no matter what this will be a very exciting event, so please plan to join us!