Happy blogiversary to Lynne and Left in Lowell. Lynne was one of our earlier commenters, and started up a year ago yesterday. And now she’s turned it into a group blog, with Mimi and K-R-S (not the rapper, presumably) on board.
From what I’ve read and heard, it’s hard to imagine a local blog in MA that’s had more impact on the immediate community. It just goes to show that if you’re involved in your community and try to get something done, you are the story.
Please share widely!
Happy Mother’s Day: Left in Lowell is your baby!
And now we’re seeing historic flooding…with local talk radio and the local newspaper completely USEless to get info out to the people.
They are shutting down our water here. It will be a few days before it can come back on I wager – they are now saying the Merrimack will peak as late as THURSDAY.
Crapola and a half.
We won’t have to cancel the Lt Gov forum though, that’s on high ground. đŸ™‚