First reported in New Bedford Standard-Times here. has the story here.
This ought to be fun…
While some may say it’s not “on the Cape” because it’s off of Dartmouth and environs, the only reason that people think that’s not the Cape is because it’s this side of the bridge. But if you ever go down there, the terrain is the same, so I think it’s OK to call it that.
Or else it’s the South Coast Wind Farm proposal.
Please share widely!
In the 1800s, Massachusetts lit the homes of the world with whale oil, which was replaced by petroleum in the 1900s. Now we have a chance to rebuild our Commonwealth’s position in the energy industry by pioneering windpower in the U.S. Like Deval says, these innovations can be the stepping stone to a better new economy for Massachusetts.
the arguements for and against the Cape Wind Farm? Because I keep hearing that people are against it because it is ugly, is that the only argument against it?
I’ve been hearing concern expressed that there’s no guarantee of benefits to MA in exchange for letting the Cape Wind developer use Nantucket Sound, and similar things along the lines of “is this the best deal we can get for Massachusetts.” I really don’t know the details, though.
…but as I understand it, this line of opposition contends that the developer is getting access to the shoals for free and, because of that, they’re going to make a ton of money on it. Like I said, I don’t know the details, but this seems like a red-herring argument. I mean, if that is the issue and whopping potential profits can be calculated–then let’s get back to the table and work out a “fair” profit.
Frankly, I’m willing to give them a better than “fair” profit…because the real benifits to Massachusetts is a increase of 300 (or so) megawatts of electricty into the regional power grid and this energy will be virtually carbon monoxide free. That sounds like a great deal to me. Like I said, this “best deal for Massachusetts” sounds like political cover for some folks.
Frank – Did you know that Bush’s Energy Bill from last summer included a provision that off-shore wind farms would pay lease money, similar to mining operations on Federal land?
Cape Wind is OK with it, and the ‘free land grab’ argument was laid to rest then.
…that that worthy provision was put into during the congressional process and not by the Bush adminstration?
Frank –
If you would rather credit the GOP congress, that’s OK with me.
I really do think it was in the original, though.
But I couldn’t find any details about that quickly with a google search, so maybe David knows a link for it.
It used to be that energy companies were well-regulated but maintained modest profit margins. Then “de-regulation” and Enron showed up, and now a lot of energy companies demand more and more from deals with the government. And government acts like it can’t do anything without willing businessmen, when in fact, it could just set up its own energy companies like TVA. Some things, such as water, roads, electricity and (I would argue) health care need to be available no matter what, so they should be provided by government.
This is one area where we need more strong liberals in office, take tougher stances when they negotiate with businesses.
We’re split about 55 – 45 down here.
The people on the waterfront can scream the loudest, and are, shall we say – unaccustomed – to not geting their own way.
On the other hand, some of us are parents of kids at the tech school who would like nothing better than to see our kids have the chance to have a good paying job on Cape.
The Figawi Ball was just held (an annual upper-crust yachting event). Hear the new wind farm was MUCH discussed, and Nantucket Sound is looking pretty good as opposed to Buttermilk Bay.
The Founding Fathers of our once great nation understood the importance of education, reasoning that in order for democracy to work, the electorate had to be well educated and well informed. All things being interconnected, the Founding Fathers included Freedom of the Press, the free exchange of ideas, as the bedrock for our Constitutional Republic. If a populace is not well educated and well informed on the issues which confront it, then the system will fail; for, even a well intentioned system whose Fourth Estate lacks objectivity, honesty, or is otherwise manipulated by the powers of government and corporatism, hubris, propaganda, the electorate will undoubtedly make the wrong decisions.
We have all seen the results of propaganda within our Congress in the past five years. The so-called intelligence, namely the September Dossier, the Niger Uranium Dossier, which was supplied to Congress on the eve of the vote authorizing the Bush Administration the authority to use our military, and make preparations for war with Iraq, was false. We are still living with the repercussions of this misguided and invalid decision. The world and the Iraqi people were better off with Hussein in power. Hussein was not an ideal leader, and I would certainly not want to live in a country under his rule, but the action our government has taken has exaccerbated our troubles, not resolved them.
We as a nation were in shock from the events of 9-11-2001. Today, we have the benefit of hindsight, to reflect upon the actions our government took, who knew what when, and to decide for ourselves why. As detailed in the John Conyers report entitled “the Constitution in Crisis – The Downing Street Minutes and Deception, Manipulation, Torture, Retribution, and Cover-ups in the Iraq War – Investigative Status Report of the House Judiciary Committee Democratic Staff” – this report details the status of investigations into the Bush administration’s lies concerning Iraq, pre-war, sanctioned torture and other violations of law by the Bush administration. This 273 page report is evidence, beyond a shadow of a doubt I believe, of the crimes of this administration, and is the most compelling case for Impeachment, and subsequent criminal trial, of any Administration in the history of this country. If we want to remain a Constitutional Republic, we have no choice but to Impeach Bush.
In the interest of rational well informed public discourse, and the need for us all to be well educated, I feel we need to have a public discussion of the events of 9-11-2001, which has not occurred since that tragic day. I have not heard one politician in the main stream media discuss any of the valid questions, unexplained observances, contradictions of physical evidence to the widely accepted official explanation of that day. I have read the 9-11 Commission report, and have studied the questions raised by this report by people like Dr. David Ray Griffin, as aired on CSPAN last year. I have read the academic paper by Dr. Steven E. Jones, physicist, BYU. I am also aware of previously classified history such as the proposed covert Operation Northwoods from 1962. I have viewed the myriad of media available online of television news from 9-11-2001, and analyses by civil engineers. The fact remains, the official story of 9-11-2001, the official reason the buildings’ collapsed DEFY THE LAWS OF PHYSICS. The World Trade Towers were designed to withstand collisions of planes, multiple planes. The steel used in their construction was arc forged and rated by UnderWriters Laboratories, as mandated by law, to withstand normal fires and fires from hydrocarbon combustion, without appreciable softenning or melting. Steel, especially arc forged steel, cannot be softenned appreciably by hydrocarbon combustion, jet fuel, a type of kerosene. I watched television live, the day of 9-11. I remembered the many, many reports of things exploding within the towers. I recall the eyewitness testimony on that day from fire fighters, police men, newscasters, citizens, who ran for their lives because things kept exploding inexplicably. Ever since 9-11, the main stream media, CNN, Fox, ABC, NBC, CBS etc… have failed to raise these questions, failed to air the very mention of explosions. Yet, a review of the available video evidence remains in the public domain. There is a video available online at google video entitled “9-11 Loose Change 2nd edition”. This video is the best overview of the subject that I have found. It contains an analysis of that day, a compilation of history, public news broadcasts, and analysis. The video is an overview of many very valid question, issues.
I urge you all to consider these ideas, and investigate the information for yourselves. I also urge you to watch the film entitled “911revisited” which is available online also. I wont post links here. High speed internet access is required, as is the necessary media drivers for online viewing. It has been far too long for a public discourse of these events. I would like a public official to discuss these ideas on television or in the main stream press. F.Y.I., 911 Revisited is being shown in a theater in Newton, MA. Wednesday night, May 24 for the first time. It is also available on DVD and can be ordered online. Our government and media lies to us all the time about everything. I am literally sick and tired of this fact. Everyone is discussing what the Democratic Party needs to do in order to re-establish a majority in Congress. The Democratic Party and all progressive political organisations are building their platforms, and searching for the ideas, issues, which will carry us as a nation to a better place. I offer the above ideas as a starting point. I feel we need a platform of true honesty, historical honesty, re-educating the electorate to the truth and dispelling the myriad of secrets concerning our national security. I suggest we return to Constitutional origins, a literal application of law free of esoteric legalese, ambiguity and free of the obfuscation of historical reality and instead offer the nation a platform of honesty. All of our problems can be solved, but only if rational people are well informed. Solve global warming, legalise industrial hemp, promote biofuel, end the oil age, build wind farms and solar arrays. We have the technology to be energy self sufficient in an organic and renewable way which well help Mother Nature cleanse herself of the toxins which we have been emmiting for a century. I pray for our progeny if these ideas are not embraced and nationalised. Our government has failed us this century. Our Fourth Estate has failed us. We the people are all that remain. I want my country back, the one i was taught about as a boy in elementary school. Thank you for this forum. Thank you for your consideration.
Orwellian Haiku of the Century, “Can you hear me now?”
“Fascism is definitely and absolutely opposed to the doctrines of liberalism, both in the political and economic sphere.” – Benito Mussolini
Friend, you posted a near-identical comment on another thread. neither is particularly relevant t the discussion. if you’d like to start a new diarty, you should be able to do so, and then you can set the tone for that discussion. But please don’t just tack comments–particularly long ones–into random places where they don’t fit the rest of the conversations. It honestly is unlikely to get people to listen to you.
Fieldscorner is right…doesn’t this post qualify as trolling?
at least it doesn’t contain personal attacks! đŸ™‚ But yes, long off-topic rants are discouraged and should be rated down by readers.
I deleted this very comment from my blog yesterday.