Also, it appears that she has seen Tim Murray’s commuter rail wifi proposal and raised him: she proposes investing in statewide wifi. Touche, Mr. Murray, touche! (Seriously, both great ideas and both ought to be implemented in this most technologically advanced of states, particularly in dense, poor urban communities where it should be offered free or at a reduced rate.)
All in all, this is by far the most comprehensive proposal put out by any of the LG candidates so far this year. Murray has put out his two proposals as well, and those, combined with this economic revitalization plan, are great starts. They also show how far apart Silbert and Murray are from the others in the field. Goldberg’s recent injection of her own inheritance into her campaign can’t be a good sign. She didn’t even earn the friggin money, for chrissakes. At least Gabrieli, Deval and even Healey can claim that they, or their spouses, worked to earn their money. She got it from Mommy and Daddy. Not good and not the image we Dems want to be sending out there.
So, it looks like the “issues” game is on and it’s a two-horse race.
Look forward to your comments and thoughts.
Andrea Silbert Releases Economic and Jobs Growth Plan for Massachusetts
I am running for Lieutenant Governor to re-energize Massachusetts through job creation and innovation. My first priority will be to lead the stateâs economic development efforts, working with the Governor and Legislature to present a bold vision and a clear plan to replace the 170,000 jobs that our state has lost since 2001. Massachusetts is a national hub of innovation and entrepreneurship. In recent years, however, we have faced significant challenges and we have not lived up to our potential. While corporations continue to invest in research and development and entrepreneurs continue to innovate in the Commonwealth, job growth remains stagnant. Massachusetts is one of the few states in the country losing population as young, educated residents seek opportunities elsewhere. My goal is to reverse this trend and return our state to its position of leadership.
I am confident that we can do better. I have devoted my lifeâs work to economic development and job creation. As the former CEO and co-founder of the Center for Women & Enterprise, my team and I helped individuals create over 14,000 jobs that now generate $400 million in new wages each year across Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Small and medium-sized businesses are the lifeblood of innovation and opportunity and they are the big businesses of tomorrow. When an entrepreneur starts a company he or she hoists a sail. I know first hand how state government can get wind into that sail in the form of capital, training and technical assistance. With strong leadership and a vision, state government can create and execute programs that will tap the potential that exists here in Massachusetts and get our economy moving again.
Job creation is at the top of my list of priorities. I agree with Franklin Delano Rooseveltâs decades old argument that the best social program is a good job. I also know that the number one source of revenue in the Massachusetts state budget is income taxes. Income taxes come from wages, and to improve the quality of life in our cities and towns we must create new jobs. Jobs generate the money we need to invest in education, expand workforce housing, protect our environment, fund universal health care and make sure the social services are there for people who need them.
My four point plan to grow our economy is as follows:
1. Jumpstart and Invest in Entrepreneurs and Businesses from the Ground Up
Over the last 10 years, our state governmentâs economic development agencies and programs have been severely cut. These agencies and programs play key roles to help homegrown companies stay and grow in Massachusetts, to sell Massachusetts to new employers, to reduce red tape, to speed up permitting and to enforce consumer protection and competitive policies. Under my plan, we will:
⢠Re-invigorate the Massachusetts Office of Business Development and staff the office with proactive, highly-trained professionals with small business expertise. This office and I will work closely with the federal Small Business Administration to maximize federal dollars flowing to Massachusetts small businesses.
⢠Remove and/or streamline burdensome regulations. The permitting process at the state level often adds unnecessary time, cost and hassle for new and expanding businesses in Massachusetts. While retaining environmental protections we can streamline this process and other regulatory hurdles.
⢠Continue to fund Public-Private Partnerships that Work Directly with Businesses. Accessing programs like the Massachusetts Manufacturing Extension Partnership, the Smaller Business Association of New England, the Commonwealth Corporation, the Workforce Training Fund and the Center for Women & Enterprise are all inexpensive ways to leverage public dollars.
2. Reinvigorate the Innovation Economy â Invest in Sciences and Technology
Innovation has been the engine for job creation in the Commonwealth for more than thirty years. We must continue to capitalize on the entrepreneurial and innovative spirit of our populace. Under my plan, we will:
⢠Encourage investment in our most innovative companies and industries. Create a Venture Guarantee program to stimulate equity funding to companies in major growth sectors of the twenty-first century including life sciences, renewable energy, security technology, high technology and robotics.
⢠Make Massachusetts the center of innovation in the life sciences. Promote expansion of key industries such as biotechnology, medical devices, pharmaceuticals, and healthcare services by bringing together universities, hospitals, venture capitalists, groups like the Massachusetts Biotech Council and state agencies.
⢠Introduce and support legislation, especially for stem cell research, that will enable life sciences organizations to operate and innovate within a clear and predictable legal and regulatory framework.
⢠Make Massachusetts the center of innovation in one of the most important pursuits of our day: the search for renewable energy alternatives. We will create a strategic plan to work with our public and private higher education institutions and businesses to encourage innovation and growth.
3. Invest in our Physical Infrastructure
We must urgently create more housing for workers and public transportation for commuters. I believe we should invest in economic development from the inside out, revitalizing our main streets and urban centers. Never is the term âif you build it, they will comeâ more apt than in economic development. Once upon a time, Route 495 was just a new roadway. Now, the 495 beltway is one of our countryâs software and high tech Meccas. Rail routes will be our next gateway to development. Under my plan, we will:
⢠Win federal funds for a regional rail system. Along with colleagues in other states, I will lobby Congress for money for regional rail from Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont down through Massachusetts and on to Connecticut and Rhode Island. The best way to raise the money we need to expand rail in our state is to work jointly with the rest of the New England states to win federal dollars.
⢠Expand commuter and freight rail service throughout our state, beginning with Southeast, Central and Western Massachusetts. Increased rail service will enable residents to live in more affordable and underutilized sections of the state and commute to their jobs. Rail is a first step in revitalizing communities; rail enables us to bring jobs to communities where people live rather than the other way around. Increased freight rail capacity will cause companies to lo
ok to these regions as places to grow their businesses.⢠Create workforce housing. Housing and job creation are two sides of the same coin. We are losing population in large part because the cost of housing in Massachusetts is so high. By increasing transportation to the more affordable areas of the state, we can provide reasonable commute times and keep our people here. We must also continue to invest in programs that help working families afford homes, such as the soft-second mortgage program or rental programs for younger workers.
⢠Revitalize urban downtowns and the main streets of our small towns. I will advocate for revitalization through the Main Streets Initiative, a public-private partnership program created by the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
⢠Encourage cities and towns to create economic development plans. I will create a competitive grant program that cities and towns can compete for by submitting their economic renewal plans. State investment will focus on helping revitalize downtowns that are underutilized, in such areas as Worcester, Pittsfield, Lawrence, Fitchburg, Springfield and Fall River.
⢠Renew our âbrownfields.â I will advocate for more funding to restore brownfields and create programs that provide incentives for companies who choose to re-use and revitalize former brownfields for their new construction.
⢠Roll out wireless Internet access throughout the Commonwealth. A simple way to help Massachusettsâ small businesses and increase the productivity of all Massachusetts workers is to build incentives for providers to roll out wireless Internet access throughout the state.
4. Invest in People â Our Human Capital
The organization I started and ran, the Center for Women & Enterprise, is an education and training organization. I know first hand how important preparing people to be good business owners or employees can be â in todayâs global economy this is now more important than ever. Massachusetts is not just competing with North Carolina or California; we are also competing with Bangalore and Beijing. Our employees need to be trained to the highest levels and that training must be aligned with the needs of our current and potential employers. In some cases, our work force needs to be redirected and retrained to compete in our twenty-first century knowledge-based economy. Under my plan, we will:
⢠Get children off to a head start. Universal pre-school and all day kindergarten are critical to preparing children to excel in school. They are also essential because most adults â both women and men â are engaged full-time in the workforce and need high quality and dependable childcare and pre-school.
⢠Invest in a strong foundation for our children â particularly in math and science. K-12 education should make sure that all students have core language and math skills ensuring that all graduates are prepared for further training. Additionally, I want Massachusetts students to receive a strong foundation in math, science, financial literacy and engineering regardless of what careers they choose.
⢠Invest in our workforce by increasing funding to our public institutions of higher education. 85% of the graduates of our public universities stay and work in our state. These graduates are our workforce, and they must receive a world class education that is as good as the education our private universities offer. I will look for creative ways to encourage our graduates to stay, innovate and work in Massachusetts.
⢠Invest in workforce training programs. We must immediately invest more to equip our adult workforce with the skills and education they need to compete in the 21st century economy. Employers have stressed the need for more English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes, Adult Basic Education, job readiness and job training programs. Forming public-private partnerships with industry groups â particularly in health care, high tech and higher education â as well as with non-profit groups will help align government policy with employersâ workforce training needs.
⢠Coordinate all workforce training programs. We will encourage collaboration between community colleges and universities, large employers and non-profits/social service providers to provide workforce training to all workers who need it, including our immigrant population.
Join Us
If you believe as I do that we can do better at making the Massachusetts economy robust and vibrant for the twenty-first century, join me in helping create good jobs and a renewed sense of hope in Massachusetts. I invite you to share your thoughts on the points outlined in this paper via a written note to Together, we can make a real difference for Massachusetts.
How much I love the LG race? I don’t recall the race being this interesting at all in 2002. All four of the candidates bring something to the table and I think it makes them all better candidates for the competition and that’s great for the voters.
Hoss, this was a great post right up until the unnecessary swipes at Deb Goldberg and her income. I doubt that Andrea would be cool with those comments either.
Let’s keep the discussion about the issues and not personal finances. Those matters will be sorted out on the OCPF reports and folks can draw their own conclusions.
Susan, I love the scolding you give because not only does it come from you but apparently you are channeling Andrea’s ability to scold a crowd! 😉 You know I love you! I do agree though, cheap shots are fun, but the substantive stuff is much more important. On that note I have to ask, why does Silbert seem to talk almost exclusively about jobs when there are so many other issues to discuss?
How much power does the Lt. Gov have? It’s not like she or he is going to end up being a Dick Cheney-like power behind the throne in Massachusetts. At best, I think the office is a platform both for the Lt. Gov and for focused initiatives.
Judging from Kerry Healey the last four years, I’d think that the Lt. Gov does nothing except tell everyone else about the bad news that her boss has inflicted on the state. She was far more a spokesperson than executive and I’d expect that this is how the office normally works.
If MA is different and there are recent examples of a Lt. Gov who actually held real power, I’d be glad to hear about them.
One thing that is really important to me in choosing my LG is the fact that we are very likely picking the next governor. I chose Tim Murray because after Deval has made history I would have no problem seeing Tim Murray be gov.
Andy, take a look at the Silbert plan that’s copied in its entirety above and I think you’ll find that it touches on a number of issues including transportation, education, environment. Still, though, she does bring it back to jobs quite effectively just as Tim Murray brings his message back to cities and towns.
Yo, cookie man! Don’t make me kick your ass in front of your friends. Here’s what’s up with Andrea. Andrea Silbert is a very capable, direct, plain speaking, common sense kind of a woman. She’s MY kind of woman. She hasn’t gotten to where she is by being meek and unassuming. I’m sorry if that threatens your macho sensibility, but there it is.
I doubt we’d even be having this conversation if this particular candidate carried a Y chromosome. If that were the case folks would be saying that Silbert is a real go-getter, a very driven, direct sort of candidate. All of the above is true about Andrea, so leave off the scolding baloney.
Why does Andrea talk about jobs? Because without jobs, this state isn’t going anywhere. We can talk about all the cranes in Worcester, and all the rail improvements we desperately need, especially here in No. Central Mass, along with so many other things this state needs, but if we don’t talk about how we’re going to increase revenues, we’re not going to get anywhere. The more people we keep in this state and the better they are employed, the more revenue they generate and that will help move Massachusetts forward.
Start with jobs and the other stuff flows through that. Andy, you ignorant slut I know you’re blinded by your deeply held campaign crush on Tim Murray, but listen to Andrea — she talks about jobs, but also how things such as affordable healthcare, access to quality child care for working families, and let’s not forget her commitment to the environment. All of those things add up to improving the quality of life for everyone here in MA.
And that’s why I’m voting for Andrea Silbert.
(note to BMG readers – Andy and I like to push each other around about the LG candidates, but it’s all in good fun – usually g) Love,ya Andy! Best lunch buddy evah!
GRRRRRR. Are you scared now? You raise excellent points. I agree that Andrea deserves props for talking jobs, jobs, jobs, because jobs are what we need in Mass. However, I think she isn’t doing that good of a job connecting the dots. Tim recognizes the need to create jobs but what he also sees is that we need a way to get people to those jobs. The reality is that Boston and its immediate metro area has priced most middle class folks out. This means they are living among the glorious cranes (you are just jealous that Andrea has NO CRANES so step off sistah) of Worcester and the acres and acres in Townsend. So in an effort to get people to jobs Tim is suggesting we invest in more efficient and more enviro friendly infrastructure like rail. He also recognizes that people are spending literally days of the year driving to and fro, so he wants to address that.
As for the Y chromosome argument you can shove it! I have supported strong female candidates before and will happily do so in the future…if they are right on the issues! In addition you are a very stong woman and I still tolerate you! Andrea isn’t wrong on the issues I just don’t see her addressing enough of the issues.
Finally, as for the cookie comment, you have already broken the sacred blog bond formed at DCI by devulging to all the world how my vote was bought with a twinkle in the eye and a chocolate chip cookie. You can hardly be forgiven for that. I love you spunk and I love they way you will scrap with anyone to defend Andrea, very admirable stuff; it is something I love about a lof of the folks here on BMG.
aka. me. Andy is one of many out there supporting Tim Murray.
So take that Susan! (I love to fight with Susan, she pretty much always kicks my ass but I still love kick the beehive!)
Thanks for the scold, I got carried away.
:::hugs for hoss::: We all need to be Doblerized sometimes.
Don’t get me wrong as a progressive democrat, I think alot of the ideas outlined in Silbert’s plan are definitely concepts the State of Massachusetts could benefit from, BUT am pretty sure I have heard Mayor Murray advocate for those very same things: – regional rail system – expanded commuter rail – expanding the state’s involvement with the Bio-Tech industry to bring in more jobs. More specifically keeping young people and recent college graduate here – providing more affordable housing opportunities – resoring “brownfields” for new development projects – downtown revitalization projects (hmm Worcester) – Rail Wifi (is statewide even an option?, would the government pay for me to have wireless in my apt.) – etc. . .
And what’s most important is that Murray actually has a track record in dealing with all of these issues, and already is in the process of making most of these things a reality in Worcester.
…might say the same thing about some of Murray’s talk about economic development. I think Silbert’s folks would probably argue that she she’s dealt with these issues too – just from the other side of the table, as a job creator and non-profit executive instead of as a politician. Both government and business are essential to get these kinds of things done, and both Andrea and Tim appear to be young innovators.
As you said, no one has a monopoly on these ideas, and it has been clear to me that as this campaign has developed, Murray has adopted more job creation themes in his message than he did at the outset. He in no way is stealing from Silbert though. Rather, they both realize that it’s a crucial part of what the state needs. I’m surprised we haven’t seen any proposals from the other candidates like those we’ve seen from the frontrunners.
So, in the end, it’s not going to come down to “who said it first” but rather who says it best in their speech and their ads. At this point, neither, to me, seems to be so much more ahead of the other on that front.
who says it first but who do we believe can get it done. The G has to pass on this stuff and allow the LG to take the leadership on their issues. This might not happen, I know of at least one G candidate that I have no confidence in them letting the LG have any leadership roles.
Disclosure Muray Supporter:
Being the LG is similar to being a weak Mayor, and I know how hard Murray has to work to get things done and build consensus. This is a far different structure than a corporation or non profit. Municipalities are relatively flat, corps and non profits are essentiall a top down organization. It is much easier to achieve your goals in a top down structure
For any of the LG’s to have any ability to get done what they say they want to do, they’ll have to convince the Gov. to delegate that power to them.
It seems to me that the more focused the message, the more likley it will be that the Gov. will so delegate. Hence, Silbert’s and Murray’s messages are more likely to be delegated.
Which do you think would not delegate? I could see decent reasons for all 3, but I think I also know who you’re talking about… No need to reveal.
As for your reference to horizontal government, I think you’re right. However, except for not being an elected official, I beleive Andrea has a significant amount of experience working effectively with government because her organization receives state monies and perhaps federal too (I’m not sure). As the leader of the organization without significant lobbying or other PR resources, she undoubtedly had to navigate her way through the appropriations process – a process no less cumbersome and complicated than any municipal one. In short, what I’m saying is, Andrea is probably not the type of “business” person who sits in their office and gets frustrated with government because she doesn’t understand it. From what I’ve heard her talk about at events, she seems to understand it as well as anyone else – and perhaps could argue she understands it even better than someone like Murray because she’s been in the position of “customer” of government services (although I’m sure Murray’s had his frustrations as a “customer” dealing with state bureaucracy on getting funds or other services for the city.)
All that being said, being the head of an organization is clearly an easier place to get your way than as a weak mayor…unless you have an activist board of directors, but that’s a whole other can o’ worms…
Don’t get me wrong as a progressive democrat, I think alot of the ideas outlined in Silbert’s plan are definitely concepts the State of Massachusetts could benefit from, BUT am pretty sure I have heard Mayor Murray advocate for those very same things: – regional rail system – expanded commuter rail – expanding the state’s involvement with the Bio-Tech industry to bring in more jobs. More specifically keeping young people and recent college graduate here – providing more affordable housing opportunities – resoring “brownfields” for new development projects – downtown revitalization projects (hmm Worcester) – Rail Wifi (is statewide even an option?, would the government pay for me to have wireless in my apt.) – etc. . .
And what’s most important is that Murray actually has a track record in dealing with all of these issues, and already is in the process of making most of these things a reality in Worcester.