According to here recent OCPF report she paid J & F ASsociates a wopping $12,000 and reason listed is Signature Contractor. Clearly all she has is her own money. She’s proven she cant fundraise and has little to know support to help her get signatures on her own..
Please share widely!
Silbert has under 5000 signatures over at the Sec of States and for more of joke., Goldberg has a total of 9 yes that’s less then 10. Murray is leading with over 12,000 certified around the state and 9,952 on hand at the Sec of State. Murrays led the money game since entering the race he had by far the best showing at caucuses around the state, and clearly and best field program. I would say at this point it looks like the Murrays campaign is just running far away with the race. Yes it’s true that Silbert has and Goldberg have Money on hand. Lets remember two things 1. Silbert entered the race nearly a year before Murray and 2. Goldberg gave herself a one million dollar check.
So everyone knows I am strongly for Patrick/Murray
FD, your comments that Murray’s “running far away with the race” is ludicrous and you know it. If that’s what people inside the Murray campaign are actually thinking then they need to step outside the bubble and take a look around and realize that no one knows anything about this race yet. If Murray continues to live in his Worcester political bubble where he only sees people loving him all the time, then he and his folks should ask Steve Murphy how the Treasurer’s race in 2002 ended up.
Sure, Democratic insiders are paying attention (granted, that’s all that really matters at this point), but that’s about it. And if Murray weren’t running well with the insider crowd, then his campaign would have a problem. Murray should be the insider’s favorite because he’s an excellent politician (unlike Reilly – ha ha). As has been said here numerous times, Murray needs to win the convention in a landslide or else it’s lights out.
Murray has an existing poliical network. Goldberg can buy her political network (and evidently is) and Kelley now looks like he may be buying his way onto the ballot too.
The only person in this race who has run a truly grassroots campaign thus far is Andrea Silbert. When I say “grassroots” I mean this: no political base, no one who wants or can get anything from her. She’s not an elected official so she has nothing to offer people (like gobs of money or government contracts or whatever). Rather she’s a jobs creation specialist who has decided to offer her services to the Commonwealth. She’s had to convince people one by one of her credentials and qualifications for the job. Given that she has raised nearly $700,000 all by herself, given that she’l get her signatures, and given that she’s even being talked about in the same breath as a sitting Mayor of a large city in a state that thinks its elected officials are the default favorites for higher office, Silbert’s success tells me a couple things:
First, she is a refreshing voice with new and innovative ideas – something we need more of from Democrats in Mass. There is no doubt that she’s as qualified for the position as anyone has ever been. People don’t part with their money unless they think they’re either going to get something out of it (see, e.g., Big Dig contractor donations to Romney, Reilly, and other pols) or they believe in the person. Since she can’t offer anyone anything yet, she’s clean on that front; thus, people are beginning to see the virtue of having someone of her unparalleled qualifications on the ticket.
Second, Silbert’s success thus far tells me that she is an excellent communicator and that she has a message that is resonating with people. Building a campaign from nothing like she has so admirably done doesn’t happen when you’re talking fluff; it only happens with substance, depth and a clear message – all things Silbert’s campaign is chock full of.
Lastly, you know as well as I do that the number of signatures delivered to the Secretary of State’s office at this point is essentially meaningless. They are not required to be there for a month and I would presume that the Goldberg and Kelley campaigns have stacks and stacks of papers in their office ready to be delivered. If not, then they’re probably out delivering them to town clerks. They will all be on the ballot in the end. There’s no “joke” anywhere here as you say.
Here’s a little bit more info to follow on FD’s sleuthing: Deb Goldberg is NOT the candidate who has paid the most for signatures in the LG’s race.
Who is?
Sam Kelley!
According to this OCPF report, Sam paid $16,000 for signatures! Not surprising I suppose given his relatively low name recognition.
And who has paid the most so far for signatures? Well, you already know the answer: Chris Gabrieli paid a whopping $82,500 for his. Link here. You can also see who else has paid for signatures in the past couple of years. Interesting.
This is a ridiculous slew of postings.
First, we are all Democrats. Why are people mudslinging on this website? We all want the same thing — to get Democrats in the State to turn this state around. I’m sure any one of the LG candidates would do an excellent job. Let’s stop tearing each other apart. If you have a specific candidate that you like, that’s great! Work hard to elect that person by sharing their message, not tearing other people down. As far as Goldberg goes, it’s clear that FraminghamDem and the Murray camp are getting nervous if they need to resort to this kind of stuff. If you were so confident that Tim Murray has what it takes to win, you wouldn’t need to be on this site looking to trash talk Deborah Goldberg.
Second, we all know that Murray, Goldberg, and Silbert are all going to get their signatures and be on the ballot. Sam Kelley probably will, too. If one candidate gets 11,000 signatures and another has 12,000 – it won’t matter come May 9th. It just matters that they get on the ballot. And, FraminghamDem has to be kidding when he/she implies that this is shows that Murray has the most support. We all know that 90% of the people who sign nomination papers don’t even know who the candidates are.
Third, when it comes to paying for signatures. Who cares? I’m sure that all of the candidates are paying for signatures. If a candidate’s staff is out gathering signatures, the campaign is paying for signatures!
We need to keep our eyes on what really matters. If you feel that strongly about your candidate, you should go volunteer with their campaign and do something positive — instead of doing this.