I finally got a chance to catch Thursday’s gubernatorial candidates’ forum at the NECN website; kudos to NECN for keeping it up there. Here are my thoughts:
a. Thank the Kennedy School for blah blah;
b. say that Kerry Healey ought to be here because yadda yadda;
c. give a shout out to Lower Glendale High — GO FIGHTING EMUS!
etc. etc. … I wanna scream. Just, stop, hurting, America, please.
Please share widely!
fieldscornerguy says
You aren’t really bad-mouthing Lower Glendale High, are you?? You went to upper Glendale, didn’t you? I can just tell…
lenstewart2001 says
I too thought RD Sahl was a great moderator, and an unexpected treat in this telecast.
truebluedem says
Would you care to substantiate this as you did with all other comments for those who were not there?
charley-on-the-mta says
… argh, but you’re making me find my notes … here they are. OK, the first question was a softball, on economic development. Softballs are OK. I thought his response to Oakes on stem cell research seemed comprehensive; his answer on where to situate life-science funding was specific — he’d fund the research at UMass Medical Center in Worcester.
I guess I appreciated most his acknowledgement that raising the minimum wage doesn’t get people into the middle class. I appreciate an admission that there’s no quick fix.
More to the point; it was a general comment, a general impression. So far his speaking style is wearing well on me.