US Rep. John Tierney of the North Shore endorsed Deval Patrick — interesting to note his stated reasons:
“He’s done a great job on the grass roots, and I think that’s where the Democratic Party gets its strength,” Tierney said in an interview yesterday. “We’re looking for the governor’s office we haven’t had for so long, and I think it’s important we reactivate and re-motivate people across the state at the grass-roots level. He’s listened well and I think he’s speaking to the concerns people have.”
Does Tierney do the grassroots thing? I don’t know what kind of mojo this gives Patrick for September; some seemed to think that Barney Frank’s endorsement might actually result in volunteers and money to the Patrick campaign. Anyone got any insight on this?
Just for kicks: That gives Patrick the endorsements of four of the twelve members of the Congressional delegation: Tierney, Capuano, Frank and McGovern, who endorsed him quite early on, more than a year ago. Meehan and Neal have endorsed Reilly. (Am I missing others?) We can assume that TK will not endorse Patrick, because, you know, he’s upset about Cape Wind; I might expect Delahunt will go with Reilly, possibly for the same reason. I suspect Kerry will stay out of it.
Has Ed Markey endorsed anyone yet?
Not yet. Technically he’s Tom Reilly’s congressman, but I’m not sure that he realizes that Watertown is actually in his district given the conversations I’ve had with fellow residents.
Many of the delegates in the district are for Patrick, Reilly is from Watertown, and there are even some pockets of Gab support. I really do not see how endorsing anyone would be a good idea for him. My guess is he lays low until the primary is over then supports the winner.
may also go for Reilly because he and Reilly served as District Attorney’s together. My guess is a long standing relationship, as they have, would trump their mutually shared position on Cape Wind anyways.
I’ve been waiting for Tierney to do this! I’m proud to have him as my congressman.
How about Congressman Olver, any word on his leanings?
As a former staffer of the senior senator, I would expect him to stay out of the primary, as there are only rare cases of his endorsement before the general. But I would look for him to play a huge role come the fall. Remember his enthusiastic support for O’Brien last time. And if it is Patrick, well, he lines up pretty well with Kennedy on every issue but Cape Wind, and the latest news out of DC indicates the Governor may not get a veto anyway.
Maybe Ted realized that he couldn’t count on the legislation being passed in time for a Romney veto, and Gov. Patrick would just say – Build Two!
It’s nice to see you resigned to turning over the keys to the corner office. Let the healing begin.
I asked what TED was afraid of, not me! :<)
You didn’t ask what Ted was afraid of, and I would wonder whether Patrick as the nominee, or anyone else for that matter needs Ted Kennedy, or he needs them. Governors come and go, but….. Ask Chub Peabody.
Let’s build two!
Deval Patrick, the Ernie Banks of wind farms? We’ll see.
Well done, Peter.
Good to see. If someone does not post an article by noon I will put one up myself.