This is really a question for our hosts, the other active lefty bloggers and for the Mass Democratic Party:
Will bloggers have a dedicated space at the Convention from which to blog? I remember bloggers getting space at the 2004 national convention. Any plans this year?
Are any of you bloggers out there planning on actively blogging from the convention even if they’re not invited? I understand the DCU center has wifi (but it’s expensive to log into – like $50 a day or something ridiculous.)
Have you invited any candidates to participate? Have you been approached?
Please share widely!
I won’t take credit because it was someone else’s idea (I won’t disclose names, I am not sure if I have that blogger’s permission) but because I am not a delegate I emailed Cyndi Roy and asked for media credentials. That was two days ago, no response yet. I am sure she has to run it by a million people so it will take a little time. I shall wait anxiously until then.
A little bit of trivia: The first blogger to receive credentials to the convention was Aldon Hynes. He was at last year’s convention at my suggestion and was the only media person to actually write about the shenanigans. You might be able to look up his commentary at:
Aldon is from CT and is involved with the DeStafano and Lamont campaigns. He will be attending the convention again this year.
Holy, jumpin! I had NO idea it was that much.
I’m a first time nominating convention delegate, so I decided that I wasn’t going to live blog the convention. I’m bringing my stuff so I can blog from the hotel later.
Assuming I don’t stay out too late at the parties. đŸ˜€
All the campaigns and Mass Dems are looking for volunteers. So if you didn’t get in as a delegate, and can’t get press credentials, maybe you can get in by volunteering.
How do I live blog if I am running around lol? My treo has bluetooth and MY NEW MACBOOK!!! has built in bluetooth so I can create a reasonably high speed conneciton on the fly so I am not too worried about connecting.
MacBook. Very nice. My PowerBook is not worthy.
I’m so lusty for a Treo too. I guess when you’re gainfully employed, you can enjoy such luxuries. đŸ™‚