“The second largest facility has about 70,000 hens. This is also family run. It is certified-organic and the birds are allowed to roam, as well as access to the outdoors. I have also heard this operation described as a corporate farm.
“There has been increased consumer demand for products of small-scale agriculture such as grass-fed beef, local wines and organic produce (although larger corporate entities are paying increasingly more attention to this market). In general, such operations cater to higher-end and niche markets. Large scale farming operations are typically more efficient, and cater more to the processing and large wholesale market. Since large-scale operations are generally looking for lower operating costs, they tend to be located in parts of the country where land, labor and feed are cheaper.
“Hope this answers your questions.
“Brad Mitchell
“Director, Biosecurity and Regulatory Services.”
stomv says
Head on over and buy some veggies. Then, try to go vegetarian for just one day each week. Maybe make yourself some 4 bean vegetarian chili. Have a nice pasta dinner. Make a super big super tasty salad for a meal. Wok up some noodles or build a meal around rice.
It’s hard for us meateaters to make veggie meals, but just doing it once a week is a big step in reducing factory farms. Of course, if once a week is already easy, go for two days a week, etc.