I saw “An Inconvenient Truth” this afternoon. It was terrific … scariest movie I’ve seen in a while. If you’re reading this blog, you really should see it.
And yeah, I’m on board for Gore ’08 if he’s up for it. Just think about those words … “President Gore”. Sounds good, no?
Please share widely!
… but this is what the scary Gore pic refers to: The “Andre the Giant has a Posse” stencilings. There was a big one on Mass Ave. near Central Square in Cambridge, on that little point between Toscanini’s and the fire house.
Phenomenology, baby. That’s what it’s about.
It can be….
Well, it doesn’t sound bad… but Gore as the nominee scares me, because of how poorly he ran last time. Also, we have someone who’d be both a better candidate and a better president, who’s saying he’s seriously considering running and has set up the precursors to a campaign: Russ Feingold. In the meantime, Gore says he doesn’t plan to run and isn’t setting up anything.
I’m committed to Feingold. I think Gore entering the race late would hurt progressives by splitting the vote (because we don’t have IRV!) so I hope he doesn’t.
Done and done.
i just went to the 7pm screening at coolidge corner with a panel of scientists and reporters slated to follow…
the film was interrupted midway by fire alarm. global warming extends indoors?
anyway, the hour i saw was reasonably effective, but two things bothered me:
1. gore doesn’t explain why he didn’t really use either his VP job or his 2000 campaign to promote the cause. he describes the environmental cause as “moral.” i’ll buy that.
but i’d be more inclined if he’d said: “when i had a chance to do something in 1992 and 2000, we did the polling, saw that we’d lose votes because the truth was indeed so inconvenient, so i decided to keep mum and just do some window dressing. i so desperately wanted to be president. i told myself that if i could just get elected, THEN i would do something. that was a moral failing on my part.”
2. some of gore’s claims are overstated. global warming is real. but specific examples in the movie are tenuous (ie blaming Katrina on global warming). slate magazine lays it all out for you here and here.
despite those quibbles, it’s worth seeing – at least the hour’s worth that i saw!
You up for a second screening if the rest of us decided we wanted to go all together?
I wanted to see it opening weekend or this week but I’ve been way too busy.
I’m up for a BlogLeft field trip.
Because it’ll be on a bumper sticker in the rubbish heap of history, not on the 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue letterhead. The guy should have run with Clinton, not against him, and then he should have stood up for his rights in Florida. He didn’t. He lost. We got screwed. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. No thanks.