Dear Blue Mass Group members,
Thank you for joining our spirited online progressive community. We’re glad to have you. We’ve decided to launch a “BMG Daily Dose” email: a daily missive that will deliver our current home page to your Inbox in the wee hours of each morning. It will be there, ready for you, when you start the day. As you know, studies have shown that folks who begin their day with a breakfast rich in Massachusetts political discourse from BMG perform better than those whose diets are limited to the thin gruel served by our mainstream media.
If you don’t want to receive this free email, please click on the Unsubscribe button at the bottom of each message. If you do want to receive the Daily Dose, just sit back, open your mind, and relax. Scintillating, provocative, reality-based commentary, and a stern dose of reason for the under-educated regressives among us, will soon start to flow. You can stop delivery at any time by clicking on the Unsubscribe button at the bottom of every email.
At the moment, due to technical limitations, all emails will be in HTML: what you see is what you will get.
Your pals at BMG,
David, Charley & Bob
UPDATE PS: Note that most of the links in the Daily Dose email are relative links and will work only at you have to visit the site if you want to click. We have asked our hosting provider to build a page for us that includes absolute links that can be clicked from anywhere. In the meantime, this is the best we can offer.
michael-forbes-wilcox says
Sounds like a good idea to me. I’m sure it will increase site traffic, too, which is probably good for all of us.
Just one quibble:
I probably won’t be able to click on every email because if I do it once I won’t get any more. But I’m just pulling your (collective) leg because I don’t plan on using that option.
Keep up the great work, guys!
bob-neer says
You don’t have to unsubscribe from every email, just from one. Sorry if that wasn’t clear.
stomv says
I don’t mean to sound snippy and snarky — well, maybe just a little.
You guys solved this “problem” years ago. It’s called RSS. Instead of people having to go browse their favorite sites, their RSS Aggregator (I use NetNewsWire Lite for OS X) grabs the headlines and first few paragraphs, and then you browse through your reader. If a story sounds interesting, you click on it and ==voila== it’s in your browser. Otherwise, you take a pass.
I mean, different strokes for different folks and all, but why not just (at first) dedicate a story to explaining RSS and providing links, and thereby encouraging the use of better technology and more convenience?
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii says
We had real jobs in the real world before pcs came along. So, out of respect for your elders….
Yes stormv, different strokes for different folks. Why does that always surprise you?
bob-neer says
Exactly as EB3 writes. Some people like to use both email and RSS to stay in touch.
stomv says
why not do it with a better spoon?
My point wasn’t that spoon feeding shouldn’t be happening — but rather that teaching folks about RSS readers would (a) allow them to be spoon fed, while (b) also teaching them about a better piece of technology, which could be used for other news/blog sites.
So long as you’ve got an audience, why not take the opportunity to educate?
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii says
david says
Here ’tis: RSS feed
stomv says
Given that there is an RSS feed, my point was:
1. Teach folks about RSS, show why its more functional, flexible, efficient, and easy to use than an email, and point out that there is an RSS feed for BlueMassGroup.
2. Then, after you’ve shown off how much better RSS is and you’ve gotten more of your users to subscribe, do you then create/point out/autosign folks up for the email subscription, which is far less functional, flexible, efficient, or easy to use.
It just seems to make more sense to share/explain/teach RSS-goodness than to push a weaker solution.
goldsteingonewild says
am i reading this correctly – that you just signed me up for this service b/c i gave you my email to get a password to your website??
when i sign up for one thing (your website), i hate when i’m told i will now get something else (daily email), but that i can of course opt out.
it just erodes trust, particularly when you have a perfect alternative: pitch your readers on the daily email, and let us opt-in if we choose.
next thing you’ll be renting your email addresses list to political candidates. and so on.
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii says
Goldstein, I am happy that you have found a cause. Whatever you do, don’t click “unsubscribe”. How dare they make you do that.
goldsteingonewild says
now i just need to make buttons. or is it bumper stickers?
bob-neer says
Don’t worry. This is the first time we have emailed our members about anything, and we have already said we are not going to release email addresses to outside parties. As to opt-out and opt-in, you have a valid point. Most people, however, seem to want to get the newsletter, so forcing them to opt-in might also be seen as an imposition. In any event, please just click on the unsubscribe link if you don’t want to get the emailed front pages, and apologies for the inconvenience.
david says
we will absolutely not be renting or otherwise distributing our email list to anyone outside BMG. Especially not political candidates.
tenderbranson says
Look, I’m sorry but the editors here may have had the best intentions, but as far as I am concerned I was just spammed. I never signed up for an email list from this site, and I should have to opt out of something I never signed up for. This is just common sense etiquette. If you wanted to pimp your list, the appropriate thing to do would have been to send out one email saying that you had a list, and that you could sign up for it (opt in) by clicking on a link.
I completely agree with Goldstein. You have just lost a ton of trust in my book.
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii says
I need to start my day with sacreblues.
bob-neer says
Refreshing though some of our specific commentators might be first thing in the morning, the system will only deliver the current home page.
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii says
andy says
but I kinda like having you around because occassionally I chuckle at what you say and once every decade or so you write something substantive. If you left I wouldn’t have any polls and that would make me sad.
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii says
I’m outta here.
andy says
Don’t leave Ernie! Or least if you leave, please put up one last poll! I MUST have a poll.
bob-neer says