I am preparing a comment regarding the performance of a certain elected official. I will let the excitement build as to identity. (Wait until next Friday) Ernie’s attention was drawn to this person because of some facts that were called to his attention. He has confirmed said facts. His anonymity requires e-mail communications only. (No phone calls, please) So, he attempted to e-mail this official’s press relations person, however no e-mail address could be found. The official web site did have an e-mail address except for something marked ‘comments’ (not ‘comments and questions’, just ‘comments’. He sent an e-mail to that address stating who he was, where he could be found (BlueMassGroup) and linked to Ernie’s page. He then reported facts he had uncovered and asked for a comment. Ernie even stated he would not write about some portions of the specific facts, for obvious reasons. This was yesterday, a.m. A response has not yet been recieved.
On another matter, does anyone have an e-mail address for D.A. Dan Conley’s Director of External Affairs & Communications, David Procopio?