My first memory of actually being a real, not potential father, was watching as they pulled my son out of his mom’s abdomen (I’d gotten a quick glimpse of what THAT looked like, someone’s internal organs that is, which I never hope to glimpse again). I’ll never forget the look of startlement and outrage on my son’s face as he was held up for us to see, umbilical cord still attached, clearly disgruntled at being ripped out of what must have been a pretty pleasant (up until the last few hours anyway) somnolence. As I saw this most utterly amazing thing happen in front of me, I remember two very distinct reactions: one, was: “wow, this is the most utterly amazing thing I’ve ever seen!”; and the second was: “I have no idea what the F–K I’m supposed to do now!”
And that’s the thing, and point of this diary – we were very well prepared for everything leading up to the birth: we’d dutifully read “What to Expect When You’re etc.”; we’d been through the childbirth classes and practiced our breathing (none of which we used during the actual labor); I had a pretty good idea of how we’d gotten there, the physiology of fetal development; we’d stopped drinking and smoking and eaten lots of whole grains and even bean sprouts; and so on. And it’s clear that even for low-income and not-quite-so-low-but-pretty-low income people like us, there’s an available infrastructure (relatively speaking) for getting people through labor and birth. In contrast, there was almost NO infrastructure for getting people through what happens afterwards – you know, like, how to raise the little people once they leave the hospital. For us, both 30 at the time, it was almost pure improvisation. We had no money; I was a member of an HMO that I once heard someone describe as being staffed by veterinarians, and I was lucky to get that; our parents were thousands of miles away (not just geographically speaking); Spock basically told us that every symptom our baby had for anything was most likely a sign of a fatal condition, parenting magazines merely taught us that we were incompetent and should put our child up for adoption by fabulous stay-at-home moms who can turn dirty diapers into beautiful wind chimes. And we, though poor, had the resources of college educations and middle class upbringing to actually, if we did some work, find out what we needed to know.
Now, it’s almost fifteen years later, I’ve had a new kid with my new hopefully-not-future-ex-wife, and in terms of the infrastructure for giving guidance and help to parents, it’s still virtually absent. In short, just as with the rest of our society these days, as a parent you’re basically on your own. There’s so much you have to really work to get an answer to: are these vaccinations safe? how do I find out about pre-schools? How do I know what’s a good one and what’s a bad one? how do I get my kid into the good elementary school in the district? is it good for my kid to listen to the music he’s listening to? what do I do if I think he’s hanging out with drug dealers? what’s a proper bedtime? what do I do if she’s not getting along with her teacher? what does “matriculation” mean? should I let him wear his pants below his butt? And these are the easy questions. What about the hard ones? How do I tell my kids I’ve lost my job? What do I do about the health insurance I can’t afford anymore? What if my kid’s school has been taken over by drug dealers? What do I do after we’re evicted? How do I explain Food Stamps? How do I explain the divorce? What position should I take on custody? How do I get a restraining order against my brother-in-law who’s been molesting my kids? And so on.
Not only do we live in a “bowling alone” society, we live in a parenting alone society, despite all the bleating of the wingnuts and other right-wing morons. We feel adrift in a flood of negative influences: not just the basic negativity of the increasing economic insecurity in which most of the middle/working and low-income classes find ourselves, but also pernicious cultural influences. I personally feel that my children are incessantly bombarded, on a minute-by-minute basis, with messages of greed, violence, drugs, empty sex, misogyny, selfishness, irresponsibility and more. And I think a huge number of parents are so desperate for help and guidance and protection from these influences that they’ll accept it from anywhere they can get it, whether it’s Dr. Phil or the bleating wingnut on the radio or the TV.
I think progressives need an answer to this. Progressives need a clearly articulated, easily digestible, family policy that addresses the parenting alone problem. This means we need to address more than just the basics, because of course guaranteeing health care, housing, decent education, retirement security would go a long way towards helping. But parents want answers to some of their other questions too, including the ones about cultural issues, and so far the only ones offering them in a seemingly coherent manner, using huge megaphones of course, is the right. So what would a progressive family policy look like? First, obviously, the left family policy on the big issues already exists (or should exist): universal health care, affordable housing, quality education, retirement security. One of the many ways to frame these things can and should be as efforts to nurture and protect families. Second, we should give thought to what an infrastructure of family support might look like: a federally funded corps of family guidance counselors or parents’ advocates in the schools? Required parenting education as part of the marriage license process (in some states you have to go through couples counseling before you get divorced – why not counseling before you get married?)[and of course this doesn’t address non-married parents or the 49 non-equal marriage states]? A “parenting extension service” like the Agricultural Extension Service?
Third, I believe (and this may be controversial) that society is entitled to protect itself to some degree from the cultural influences that may threaten its idea of the common good, and I think parents are desperate for some protection against the crappy values that are being taught everywhere, from the TV, movies and video games, to corporate influences in the schools, to music. So what could a progressive policy on these issues be? Labeling on CD’s and video games? Others? Frankly, I’d love to hear ideas on this.
So those are my thoughts on (the day before) Father’s Day. Not only do I thank the powers that be that I’ve been lucky enough to have two truly excellent sons (although the 14-year old is pushing the envelope on the meaning of the term “excellent” these days), but I also thank the powers that be that despite my abysmal lack of understanding about how to do this fathering thing, I haven’t inadvertently let them starve or crushed their spirits. Of course there’s still time. But it sure would be nice if we had a society where a guy could get some help now and then, don’t you think?
An honor indeed.
Don’t have much to say (have to leave for work), but just wanted to add that as far as the “perfect parenting” / making diapers into wind chimes thing, my experience has been that sometimes kids who come out of the not-entirely-picture-perfect households can grow up as great kids, with some kind of early onset of adult maturity that maybe is linked to getting an early dose of the real world. I’m no pediatric scientist, but guess is that if you show them you love them, you’ve done about all you can do.
I agree with you. I’ve always thought the secret to good parenting is twofold: (1) pay attention, by which I mean, work like hell to get on their wavelenght; and (2) love your kids, a lot. OK, and set boundaries and teach responsibility and teach empathy. So make that five-fold. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Parenting Magazine model of having fabulous activities and incredibly sensitive and wise solutions to every crisis doesn’t make for overstressed, neurotic and infantilized kids. At least that would make me feel better about my less-than-fabulous parenting style, if it were true.
Oh, and that’s “Jimbob” to you. ; )
Don’t know where I got Jacob from. Sorry bout that đŸ™‚
Hmm, “overstressed, neurotic and infantilized” … you make it sound like a bad thing!
Happy Father’s Day, in arrears.
include empathizing with one another and believing in responsibility. the conservative throw-em-to-the-wolves style of parenting (and politicking, for that matter) is everything we’re not.
we share information and experiences because we believe it’s right to be helpful and wrong to be spiteful. we believe in community and believe in stopping those who tear down our communities (Bush, Romney, et al.)
of course there should be help for fathers who want to be better parents. the conservatives have this one pinned down, with books by James “I’ve never seen a kid I couldn’t beat” Dobson. he advocates using belts and switches to whip the “little bastards” into shape. pretty damn scary.
so, we can posit alternatives, humane, democratic alternatives, based on our understanding of growth and love. this post is great becasue it starts down that path. what’s the next step? maybe our own Dobson, with some advice that actually helps families grow, rather than stunting their growth with violence. some of the best writers and thinkers have started out the same way this post started – there’s a need for good advice and no one has yet to fill that need.
nobody has all the answers, but it sounds like you’ve got some pretty good ones Jimbob. May I suggest publishing them for the public at-large? We need to hear more from the responsible parents out there and les from the James Dobson hate-mongers.
Yes, drgonzo, only progressives/liberals make good parents.
I’m not sure that’s what drgonzo was saying there. What I took from it is that progressive values make good parenting values as well: responsibility, empathy, and, I’d add, establishing boundaries, i.e. my freedom ends where yours begins. Conservative values, such as “you’re on your own,” on the other hand, do not make such good values for parenting. This does not mean that conservatives can’t be good parents — I know a few (I say a few only because I don’t know that many conservatives) who are, or that progressives are necessarily good parents, I know a few who aren’t. But the most successful parents of any political stripe are those who emphasize what I believe are the progressive values I describe above, even if they don’t know that’s what they’re doing.
I do know that it’s time that progressives figure out a way to broadcast their family values to a wider audience, and articulate and broadcast policies that protect families consistent with those values, instead of ceding this ground to the James Dobsons of the world.