How much money approximately has Andrea Silbert and the CW&E given away to people to start businesses and hire people?
Is this money free? Is there payback expected of any of these funds? If so – how much of the money given away by CW&E has been repaid? What is the delinqency rate if these funds are loans?
I throw these questions out because I hear a lot about “how Andrea has created all these jobs” but you know what – if she’s done it just by giving away money – or “lending” money below market never to be given back – well then that’s not really “HER” creating jobs is it?
I mean – give me $5,000,000 and I can create 5,000 jobs in two weeks if the money is not to be repaid?
Any one know exactly HOW much money CW&E has “spent” or “lost” while she created 14,000 jobs?
Lets start that conversation……
We’re trying to have a useful conversation here, not inane barrages.
…how CWE operates. Spend some time on their web site and learn how they do things.
You’re throwing around falsehoods as to how CWE operates and some people may actually believe you know what the hell youâre talking about.
You are a poster kid for repealing the first amendment.