I’ve found a wifi signal (at $49 per day?!?!) and thought I’d quickly post on what I’ve seen so far.
SecSt’s: I don’t care, but they were fine. Tough with the crowd filing in.
But here’s what my take on the REAL race – the LG race.
Goldberg: uhh, what? That video was just off. Speech: fine, no biggie. Didn’t sway me.
Silbert: wow. She rocked the house. Her video was VERY good – it really showed what she’s accomplished and was excelent. I was out there holding a sign for her (and waving the fans she handed out – cute!) and I was surprised at how many people she had out there! As for her speech: I felt her passion and her drive more so than I had done so before. This is a woman who knows what she wants and wants to go get it. She definitely won over a bunch of undecideds in my area (4MI).
Murray: as a Silbert guy, his presentation was as I expected. Video was a bit poorly produced (compared to Silbert’s excellent production quality). Speech was on message entirely, as it should have been.
All and all they all did pretty well. Obviously I’m biased, but I think Andrea sealed her 15%, which is all that really matters for any of these candidates.
(been up since 4 AM since I could not sleep well… I will comment on the gov race in the AM but their full speeches are available on NECN.com and are definitely worth seeing.)
I have to agree with Hoss here in the “lower” races Silbert stole the show. The goldberg whips in our area were down right shocked by her presence and stunned she not only made the 15% but beat Deb. Honestly Goldbergs’ video did not help her at all it was… lets just say not good. Silbert was on fire and probably got at least 5-10% of voters on her presentation alone. I know that following the presentation I ( a supporter since… um… Tuesday) was able to swing 3 votes in the seats immediately around me. I think she hit a home run by becoming the story of the LG race tonight. Tim Murray got his expected win, but this is not the game anyone expected going in to these weekend.
Also of note, with Bonifaz getting between 20-30% (I do not remember the exact number) in Sec of State race, he scored a major upset. I am pretty sure Galvin will get the nomination, but we will now be hearing an interesting debate on voting and possibly other issues.
Very tired now. Excuse typos see you in the AM.
I voted for Andrea myself, but I thought that her presentation was disappointing, particularly her speech where she talked way too fast, trying to say too much I guess, and almost sounded shrill. Lucky for Andrea that Goldberg’s video was a clunker – someone should have shown her Gabrieli’s video from 4 years ago as an example of how to be funny.