We have the luxury of three great candidates, any of whom would make a better governor than Healey. (Heck, a rock would make a better governor than her, even a really dumb rock, like bedrock or something). All three have significant experience in the public sphere, are successes in their personal ventures, and have a great ability to connect with voters — and no, I’m not trying to channel Phil Johnston here, I mean this.
Deval has declared a desire to hold himself and the process to a higher standard. Which is laudable. It also makes for quite a glass house, and a big part of winning in Massachusetts comes from throwing rocks (defined here as “legit but impure parts of the political process”). Deval “threw a rock” with the pre-convention challenges. I don’t have a problem with the move per se, but it doesn’t jibe with “the politics of hope” and the death of cynicism.
But that’s the chink in Deval’s main contribution, which is person-to-person organization backed by a sense of insurgency and optimism. I’m glad he brings that to the campaign, and it’s his main strength so it will be the subject to most others’ attacks.
Though I admire Gabrieli’s ideas and what he’s done for Massachusetts, he spent his way onto the ballot. He’ll keep spending. His campaign will have the nicest literature, coolest and most frequent ads. Heck, his headquarters probably has 4-ply toilet paper. Beacuse he’s rich. He doesn’t have Deval’s charisma, but he’ll spend. So his resources are his strength, and his use of them will be attacked.
I think Reilly will keep working his connections, keep entrusting much of his campaign to lieutenants who have their own GOTV and campaign operations. He has a phenomenal record of public service that will come out a lot, and part of that record is tying in to other public figures and their operations. That’s his strength, and thus he’ll be attacked as insider/hack/establishment.
So stop being suprised, because nobody is going to pretend these strengths and weaknesses aren’t there, and cry truce. Can we stop being shocked that Chris has money, Deval has charisma yet will still toss the occasional rock, and Tom has insider connections — and each will employ their strengths?
I don’t want to warm up for the gunfight that is the general election by playing Yahtzee during the primaries.
Healey’s going to squeeze out every ounce of charisma she can.
She’s going to spend obscene amounts of money.
She’s going to use the Mass. GOP as her personal GOTV/campaign operation.
And we have to beat her. Maybe our best shot is Deval’s charisma. Maybe it’s Gabs’ money. Maybe it’s Reilly’s networks. Nobody knows which — that’s why we have primaries. To test each candidate to their fullest before deciding which one to take into the general. I don’t want it to be mid-November and say “dang! We should’ve gone for Gabrieli’s money over Reilly’s operation” or “shoot — who knew charisma would be key?” So let’s find out in these baptisms of fire.
I support Reilly. I think he’s out best candidate. But I’m not so invested in him that I want Gabs and Patrick to run with one hand tied behind their back so I can be right. Because any of us can be wrong, and we should find that out in September rather than November.
It’s all for a good cause — beating Kerry Healey. Let’s take these three wonderful candidates out on the road for a test-drive, hit the open road, open up the engines, and see what they all can do.
(Edited – Poll should read — “whoever wins the primary”)
Not so. John Walsh, campaign manager, issued a statement that the campaign would not challenge any delegates.