Taking a little break from outside activities and wanted to share this (watch the “Energy” spot–the one with the little girl–first.)
I’m not sure if I find these spots funny or frightening, because if we just dismiss them some people will actually believe this crap.
I will say this. In a few hundred years, historians will uncover this stuff and other PR from the 60’s and 70’s about how cigaretteâs don’t cause cancer and they’ll be laughing at us just like we laugh at people in the Middle Ages who thought you could make Silver and Gold out of wood.
Please share widely!
Funny stuff, funny stuff.
For those wondering if the claims about the ice sheets growing have any credence, it did not take that much digging. A simple google search of the article led me to fact check . It links to a campus newspaper.
“The text of the CEI ad misrepresents the conclusions of the two cited Science papers and our current state of knowledge by selective referencing,”said Dr. Brooks Hanson, deputy editor, physical sciences, Science.
Here is his press release.
I can’t seem to edit my post above because I don’t see the edit diary button (help would be appreciated). Anyway, the “here is his” links to a campus newspaper, while the “press release” links to the press release.
Danny Moraff
you can’t edit comments once they’re posted. Even we can’t edit comments!