White House Press Secretary Tony Snow, left, and White House Counselor Dan Barlett, ride in a military helicopter wearing helmets and flak jackets for a trip from Baghdad International Airport to U.S. Embassy in the Greenzone Tuesday, June 13, 2006 in Baghdad, Iraq. Snow and Bartlett traveled with President Bush who made a surprise visit to Baghdad. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
You know, those helmets and other gear just really aren’t that flattering, but the photog was gracious not to show the albatross around their necks.
Please share widely!
Here it is. What a maroon. The more interesting point is that if Bush couldn’t even make it out of the Green Zone three years after the war, it is pretty clear that rather than highlighting progress his trip spotlights the failure to date of his policies in Iraq.
I spent six years in the military, and I gotta say I’d be hard pressed to recall anyone looking more ill at ease [read: worse] in kevlar helmets and flak than Dukakis and these two, err, nitwits high-ranking government officials.
Bob you referred to the Duke as a “maroon.” Is that like calling him dum? Or are you mad because he left us stranded? I would never point out a typo normally because God knows I make plenty of them but the delicious irony was too much to resist.
Can be found here. Good luck getting your foot out, Andy. If you need medical help because it is in deep, let us know and we’ll start a collection for you. đŸ˜‰
I was all ready to take my foot out until I looked at your link. BUGS BUNNY! Bob, you are as crazy ad David and Charley say. đŸ˜‰ I was so worried, I made sure I checked two dictionaries and consulted Google before I made my comment because I know you are way smarter than I and I didn’t want to get caught looking stupid. But, I mean, you are reasoning with me using Bugs Bunny and a “jocular mispronunciation” so I don’t think I ever inserted my foot.
Is a very fine fellow, and a lot more successful than Mike Dukakis, as I am sure the latter would readily admit.
Ya gotta sit on your helmet.
So you don’t get yer ***** blown off.
When I saw this photo, I laughed out loud but then I realized just how much this photo epitomized the pathetic and hypocritical nature of chicken hawk Bush and his administration. These two high ranking Bushies look like they just lost their lunch. Not demonstrating any bravado when their asses are on the line, are they.
You nearly killed my moment of joy with your “reality check” that the Duke indeed tanked worse with his own “tank moment.” It’s late and I wanted the albeit small, but pure joy of this photograph to lead me to sleep. I almost lost that chance, but then your “maroon” reference totally saved the moment and, thus, I will sleep a better man. (Although perhaps feeling less “manly,” since Bugs Bunny still makes my night.)