Tim Murray swept the MA Democratic Convention in Worcester this weekend with 49.02% of the delegate vote! A number which largely surpassed all expectations. I think the majority went in to the Convention knowing that Murray was going to be the endorsed candidate because of his message and statewide appeal, but the real question was “by how much.”
It seems that Mayor Murray picked up alot of undecided voters after his speech & video on Saturday. Goldberg’s video probably hurt her overall with undecideds, most people I talked to felt she seemed out of touch with the general public (I kinda feel bad, since she probably paid alot for it). Murray’s video really showed who he was and why people were out there supporting him. He had real people – family, students, activists and elected officials like Sheriff Cabral, Cong. McGovern and Rep. Flanagan make it clear to voters why he is THE Candidate for Lt. Governor. And of course when he spoke, I noticed people actually quieted down to really listen to what he had to say.
Murray came out of the Convention as a true State-Wide Candidate. He had the best organization out of any of the Lt. Governor campaigns (I helped whip for him). Murray won in literally every region of the state. His support spanned through the South Shore, North Shore, Springfield (North & South West), Middlesex, Suffolk to Worcester. And because of that organization and Murray’s ability to really reach out and understand the issues that effect the people of this Commonwealth we will be carrying this victory into the Primary in September.
Some say the Convention has no bearing on who will win the Primary in September. And while I agree there is no direct correlation it needs to be noted that those 5000 delegates are probably some of the most active Democrats in their communities. So by gaining basically 50% of their support Murray is able to really reach out to more voters across the state (also I met quite a few delegates who Support Murray, but were voting for Goldberg as a favor – or because their boss told them to). Each of those delegates who will be helping us prepare for September know 100+ people who will be voting in the primary. The Murray campaign is coming out of this weekend’s Convention strong and ready to win & earn the Democratic Nomination in September.
but would have no issue with Murray as the Lt. Gov. candidate. I think they are both good people that bring a lot to the table, just in different ways. Honestly I do not know much about Goldberg, but having witnessed her performance this weekend first hand, I can’t say I am impressed. Best of luck to you and lets see where they chips fall in Sept.
It makes it less fun to be against Silbert! đŸ™‚ If her supporters are going to be as pleasant as she is in person I will find fighting so hard for Tim Murray difficult. Can’t you guys be more mean like Susan! đŸ˜‰ I love you Susan. Just remember the cranes!
I will do better next time. (puts on his grumpy face) đŸ˜›
First of all, let’s stop the spin machine for a minute. The LG story was not that Murray swept the convention in his home city, it was that Silbert went in without her 15% and captured 30% based on message and strength. In fact, Murray not capturing 50% on the first ballot was a huge blow to his campaign. Rather than Andrea pulling for the 53-47 second ballot results she would have received, she allowed for a voice vote. Now that’s class.
If you want to talk about video and delivery there is no question that Deb was just bad. Tim’s presentation wasn’t much better. You say that people actually quieted down and listened? That is simply not true! Andrea garnered the most applause, her video was widely received as the best put together and she stuck it to Healey stronger than Murray is able to do. I venture that Andrea picked up about 75% of the undecideds — handidly winning the berkshires and the cape (contrary to your assertion that Murray won “literally every region of the state”).
So, why I’m making a big deal about this:
The Murray spin by political rookies and Worcester-based college students (with dreams of being on the lt. gov staff) is fascinating to me. Disclosure: I’m a college student. The moral of this convention is that Murray, the establishment candidate who would sink the Democrats chances for victory in 06 by being part of a Reilly-Murray ticket has a lot to be worried about from Silbert. Also, if pie-eyed Murray (only) bloggers (who are also featured on his campaign video) insist on spinning their candidate with fiction, we should all be worried about the 06 outcome. Just the facts SSL, all we need are facts.
*I would support Murray if he gets the nomination alongside Patrick or Gab.
how Andrea captured her 30% . .when we know she got 28% . . .yet Murray didn’t capture his 50% with 49.02% . ..common now
At least I said Murray “basically” had 50% – while you just make blunt statements that Silbert has 30%, when she was over a percentage point short of it.
Honestly, I could care less. No one gives a _____ about the percentages. But you decided to say, “Murray not capturing 50%” yet hipocritically also saying Silbert “captured 30%”
Secondly, 49.02% is far from a let down. That is 2460 delegates. If Silbert had stupidly decided to go to a second ballot she would have become very unpopular with all the delegates for #1 keeping them there later (most would have left), #2 Goldberg – if she was smart would have worked to have all her delegates vote for Murray, #3 most of the delegates I met who voted for Goldberg said they would vote for Murray on a 2nd ballot anyway. So your prediction of 53-47 shows a great imagination, but a sign that you need a dose of reality. She agreed to a voice vote, because she realized that getting 28% on the first ballot is better than getting whipped on the second. Those would be facts my friend. I’d hope we would all be supporting whomever wins in September – because they are all better than Healy/Hillman in comparison.
Thanks for calling me a politically rookie though…you really know how to impress the ladies.
are you kidding me? Do you know something we all don;t about his campaign? Please do tell. Honestly I for one knew AS would be coming in second and I was in the minority, I also know Tim was going to get 30-35% on the first ballot. 49 was a huge victory. In my district we had 11 committed delegates on Friday night, 2 were challenged ( not from any LG campaign) and were not allowed to vote so I started with 9 and ended up woth 54, unfortunately I did not get to enjoy the convention and missed most of DG’s and all of AS’ video, I did hear her speach though.
If Tim were not in this race and if I honestly did not know he was the best person for this race I would be with AS
And be real I knew she had her 15% from making calls for Murray, if you were told this you know why and if you are assuming this you are mistaken.
Funny you should say Tim Murray is the established candidate for LG when he just entered the race in December while the others were alot further in. Also there is just no way in hell Silbert got 75 % of the undecides lets be real. Silbert and Goldberg were trying to play the low expectation card and they should of. That really doesn’t have any credibility though if we are trying to speak the truth that’s just the spin there camps tried to put on it. While I believe Tim willbe the best in balancing the ticket it is rather assumptous that Reily will be the dems candidate for governor. And you don’t give any facts as to why Murray would sink the ticket, maybe your just trying to group Murray with Reily so you can claim Silbert with Deval. Of course this last sentence was unfounded and had no truth to it just like migraines comments. Just the facts migraine just the facts. Where did you come up with 53 to 47 and who are you saying would of won.If the people in Silberts camp thought their was a shot in the world to win the convention their would of been a second ballot and that’s a fact. And the this was a huge win for Murray people who didn’t expect to win and especially not on the first ballot.
Can you please disclose that you are on the Murray payroll and have received at least $1000 from the campaign since the March 15th OCPF report? I think that fact is important to post in all of your LG oriented posts.